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Sound & Music > Singing, Percussion & Sounds Made on the Body > Non-Musical Sounds Made in the Mouth
rap, screech, stutter, splutter, suck, coo, howl, hiss, drone, click, squeak, scream, shriek, whistle, whelp, grunt, sigh, pant, bark, gulp, roar, sputter, shout, yell, grumble, mutter, huff, clamor, puff, inhale, gasp, cry out, sniff, cough, moan, mumble, whisper, exhale, snicker, groan, wheeze, struggle (for breath), boo, holler, smack (lips), heave (a sigh), blow (a harmonica), yodel, choke back, utter
drill, belt, clap, trill, hum, sing, chant, warble, hear, accent, anticipate, fade, pick out, improvise, breathe, sustain, harmonize, inhale, ring out, enunciate, lull, lullaby, resonate, reverberate, beatbox, break out (in harmony), come in (on the bridge), sweeten (the tone), darken (the tone), scat, vamp, riff, build (a repertoire), drag the beat, swing (the rhythm), rehearse (a passage), practice (scales), warm up (one's voice), support (one's voice), phrase (a musical line), interpret (a song), sing out, croon, interpret (the lyric), articulate, memorize (lyrics), sight-read, count out (rhythm), beat out (rhythm with one's foot), read (a score), listen (to one's voice in the monitor), brush up (one's technique), practice (musical scales), grip (the mic), pan (the mic), relax (one's mandible), correct (the pitch), warm (the quality of sound), slide (a note), perform (a song)