struggle, suffocate, jerk, fidget, fuss, tense up, stiffen, wring (one's hands), smolder, quaver, pace, speculate, lose focus, fixate, concoct, trip up, lose control, micromanage, obsess, ratchet up, pump up, fear, dread, replay, work up, fret, lose sleep, weigh one down, distrust, warn, caution, agonize, play with (one's hair), jitter, catastrophize
bend, cycle, appear, mistake, spiral, fixate, distort, spin, claim, delude, reel, misunderstand, lapse into, minimize, dismiss, believe, run riot, trip, hallucinate, catastrophize, turn against, ignore (facts), slip into (delusional thinking), hide (the truth from oneself), stew (in delusional thoughts), jump (from thought to thought), glom onto, confuse (hallucinations with reality), deceive oneself, be unable to shake (a thought)
falter, hesitate, mistake, misread, misinterpret, muddle about, misconstrue, lose sight of, misunderstand, muddle something up, take for, get something wrong, confound with, lose (one's perspective), get the wrong idea, confuse (similar things), misconceive, miss the boat, mix up (with something else), miscalculate, delude oneself