toss (one's hair), dress, preen, primp, blind, fascinate, attract, impress, ignite, stupefy, lure, excite, intimidate, appeal, flirt, simper, enchant, charm, intrigue, brim, send out (pheromones), draw (attention), pull toward/in, flutter (one's eyelashes), bat (one's eyelashes), lean toward/in, flaunt (cleavage/tattoo), reveal (cleavage/tattoo)
stalk, imagine, anticipate, ogle, fixate, sneak, admire, invent, glorify, obsess, want, long for, desire, daydream, visualize, idolize, idealize, yearn, wish, fantasize, worship, dream, picture, ache (with desire), send out (pheromones), hope for (romance), wait for (a partner), find attractive, infatuate, be smitten with, have a thing for/about, get an erection
brush against, reach out, cock (one's head), play with, stir, brave, dance, woo, chase, corral, nurture, pursue, present, swagger, intensify, attract, sneak, invent, finesse, convince, persuade, flatter, seduce, scheme, contrive, concoct, lure, fluster, jump into, blunder, botch, bungle, persevere, coerce, cater to, reel in, entice, tempt, cajole, assure, text, cultivate, splurge, phone, hit on, flirt, invite, introduce (oneself), compliment, charm, im, chomp at the bit, champ at the bit, regale, wheedle, single out, muster, urge, approach, draw someone out, talk to, coax, wile, come across as, pick up (someone), sweet-talk, suck up to, suck (attention)