sever, smother, get rid of, dispose of, settle, wind up, finish, dismantle, remove, put out, destroy, paralyze, jettison, close, drain, erase, ditch, cancel, cut short, abort, stop, cut off, doom, put an end to, shut down, shutter, wipe out, eradicate, annihilate, eliminate, stamp out, exhaust, abridge, conclude, use up, terminate, complete, lock up, finalize, discontinue, take down/out, shorten (a trip), abandon (an effort), bring to a close, end, finish off/up, tie up (loose ends), padlock, batten the hatch, rub out, unsubscribe
chuck, finish, unseat, scuttle, close, sabotage, retract, abort, resign, annul, halt, squelch, prohibit, withdraw, put an end to, phase out, stamp out, truncate, conclude, cap, terminate, finalize, wrap up, end, draw to a close, cut short/off, put to rest, shut down (a business), complete (a contract/a term), mark (the last time)