cooperate, compromise, concede, curb, indulge, heed, satisfy, check, adjust, divulge, accommodate, reconcile, support, chip in, co-create, appreciate, excuse, soften one's tone, apologize, praise, pledge, bridge, care, corroborate, pitch in, consent, express (appreciation), agree, stand (together/with), agree on (a shared agenda), foster (goodwill), build relationship, accept (each perspective as valid), validate (another's point of view), synthesize (points of view), cultivate (tolerance/patience)
turn away/aside, skedaddle, draw back, yield, step back, excuse oneself, sidestep, withdraw, jump back, walk away, hold in/back, avert (a fight), avoid (someone's rage), back away/off/down, open and shut (one's mouth), lay down (one's arms), rein in (one's urge to fight), keep away, extricate (oneself), run away/off, pretend to agree, disavow
negotiate, bargain, object, subdue, forestall, reason, win over, soften one's tone, assuage, de-escalate, stand up for, counter, charm, lower one's voice, sympathize, agree, appeal to, defuse, talk (one's way out of), threaten (to press charges), quiet one's voice, talk someone down, mirror (someone's desires/concerns), modulate (the voice), avert (an argument), join someone in their reality, disavow