degrade, libel, slander, invalidate, censor, damage, doubt, dispute, discount, devalue, depreciate, deflate, call into question, diminish, smear, pronounce, discredit, blame, belittle, denigrate, poke holes in, reduce to, question (the validity of), disprove, refute, explode (a myth), damage (a reputation), cast in a negative light, cast doubt on, reproach, pin blame on, investigate (the value), depict (in a negative light), deride, tear apart, inveigh against
slam, charge, attack, libel, slander, defame, vilify, backstab, disparage, slur, insult, smear, malign, blame, allege, denigrate, reproach, inveigh against, denounce, lambaste, accuse, excoriate, fault, affront, mudsling, censure, defile, dig up, muckrake, foment, deprecate, calumniate, rake over the coals, sully (one's reputation)
point, frame, scold, charge, tear into, attack, insinuate, harp, chastise, berate, carp, throw under the bus, blame, reproach, pin blame on, lash out, accuse, proscribe, lay blame on, incriminate, rebuke, reprimand, lecture, ream out, fault, harangue, condemn, castigate, moralize, rant, find (fault)
jab, bash, knock, sling, chafe, trash, stab, mock, imitate, wag, impersonate, tease, spout, caricature, exaggerate, decry, disparage, ridicule, insult, demean, dismiss, belittle, pooh-pooh, deride, ape, lambaste, scorn, snicker, snigger, make fun of, rebuke, scoff at, snort at, parody, snark, swipe at, roll (eyes), lampoon, spoof, satirize, deal (a blow)