handle, fire, boot out, inspect, supervise, appraise, train, reward, run up the flagpole, monitor, size up, direct, schedule, promote, evaluate, manage, field, hire, staff, oversee, interview, regulate, delegate, facilitate, sack, benchmark, review (performance), discipline, rank, mandate, demote, approve, notify (an employee of a potential promotion), relegate, pension off, coordinate (employee duties), mentor, designate (tasks for a subordinate), cater to a strength, superintend, empower, follow through
operate, fine-tune, order, resource, standardize, synchronize, draw up, upgrade, negotiate, organize, earmark, hammer out, direct, budget, synch, command, control, funnel, finesse, orchestrate, intervene, sift through, verify, figure in, update, structure, formulate, authorize, allocate, stake, run (an office), close (a deal), chart, rate, determine (pay rates), bank, brief, purge, downsize, allot, steward, contract out, consult, expedite, summarize, codify, prioritize, sign off, transact, integrate, calendar
yank, wrangle, sever, chuck, brush aside, manipulate, dismantle, protest, dictate, skip, drone, dole out, fight, bark, evade, bear down, typecast, profile, blot out, flare, flood, haggle, plot, exploit, bribe, claim, whitewash, contrive, co-opt, invalidate, pressure, hold back/down, thwart, inundate, squelch, prohibit, obstruct, inhibit, undermine, erupt, screw up, swamp, bumble, shout, maintain, relegate, micromanage, confront, harp, judge, mete out, lord (it over one's workers), grant, save face, lag, write up, smooth over, dance around (issues), cut off/short, snap back, step on, play off (one worker against another), break (a promise/trust), scuttle (a plan), sanction (low standards), argue, favor, cover up/for, jockey, battle, dicker, issue (orders), rehash, dispute, corrupt, chastise, cater to, berate, admonish, abdicate (responsibility), condescend, intimidate, disempower, write off, rail against
supervise, appraise, overhaul, scan, screen, mark, witness, scrutinize, examine, monitor, observe, check, vet, direct, prohibit, evaluate, manage, maintain, report, authorize, keep an eye on, keep score (with subordinates), rein in, pay a visit, detect (organizational problems), address, stipulate, critique, micromanage, criticize, inquire, require (updates), noodge, stoke, excite, encourage, support, confront, follow through