hammer, impact, pitch, ply, plug, cast, tap into, reinforce, convert, woo, trot out, show, switch, badger, bait, prompt, imply, evoke, capture, arouse, transmit, project, profile, lionize, imbue, highlight, showcase, embellish, tease, flaunt, steep, set apart, captivate, rivet, distort, depict, spin, con, claim, mislead, hustle, persuade, insinuate, scheme, target, gamble, impinge on/upon, censor, create, favor, brief, serve, rope in, wow, lead (the market), foist, reel in, entice, hype, shill, rebate, tempt, win over, scare, pop (out), hail, draw in, enthuse, cajole, compel, sweeten, discount, appeal, harvest (customers), assure, pander, retarget, optimize, sexualize, guarantee, motivate, propagate, glorify, entertain, mesmerize, incentivize, spread the message
engineer, brand, strategize, scout, coordinate, scope out, front, research, brainstorm, target, opt out, diversify, forecast, phase out, bend (one's campaign to lure customers), troll, opt in, track (hits), spy (on customers), phase in, massage (content), streamline, interpret (customers' tastes), generate (buzz), invigorate