bust, crash, totter, indulge, drool, black out, fixate, expose, stagger, risk, jeopardize, spin out of control, plummet, waste, bottom out, relapse, stake, obsess, shame, debase, hit (bottom), space out, disgrace (one's family), squander (money on drugs), self-destruct, spiral downward/out of control, land (in the hospital), lose one's grip (on reality), preoccupy, feed (one's addiction), endanger oneself, overdose, bum, self-medicate, hook, base out, sleep it off, denounce
blast, inject, cut, smoke, distill, snort, blaze, indulge, light up, reel, disengage, consume, check out, procure, hit (the bottle), shoot up, score (drugs), binge, slake, get stoned/high, use (drugs), trip, do a line, sniff, inhale (cocaine), do a deal, get a hold of, loiter, take a hit (of cocaine), slam (drinks), abuse (alcohol/drugs), blow coke, blow a stick, pack (a bowl), tie off
seize, cramp, hurl, shake, sweat, stabilize, crawl, tremble, dilate, persevere, withdraw, abstain, obsess, recover, overcome (addiction), detox, check in (to a rehab facility), get the shakes, get chills, hallucinate, convulse, recalibrate, lose sleep, vomit, barf, throw up, palpitate, race (heart), get (a sponsor), attend (a 12-step program)
gouge, screw, rig, chisel, fix, slip, lay out, cheat, swindle, rip off, diddle, bribe, gull, shaft, bilk, rook, hornswoggle, funnel (money), pay off, buy off, suborn, take, take advantage of, launder (money), bankroll, incentivize, shell out, pony up, ante up, cough up, front (money), ransom, fleece, defraud, take to the cleaners, take for a ride, grease someone's palm, make a deal, blackmail, fork over, put up, settle up, sting, stiff, pull a fast one on, put one over on
stock, mount, pile up, exceed, earn, surpass, acquire, own, invest, pad (one's portfolio/pocketbook), write off (deductions), reach, heap, gain (interest), add, deduct (from income tax), accrue, amass (wealth), increase (net worth), compound, consolidate (investments), fill (the coffers), rack up, save, attain, possess, aggrandize, accumulate, trade (on the stock market), inherit, buy, rake it in, accumulate (wealth)
squash, bust, crush, hover, suppress, dominate, overpower, corner, stalk, bear down, menace, threaten, block, hijack, impose, squelch, censor, forbid, coerce, berate, scare, blackmail, harass, terrorize, bully, provoke, frighten, loom, disconcert, interrogate, tail, torment, goad, antagonize, bark (orders), censure, harangue, blacklist, victimize, hector
chip away, assault, blindside, demolish, destroy, break, overrun, obliterate, scar, flood, drain, contaminate, sabotage, pay off, ransack, ruin, sap, suck out, spoil, eradicate, annihilate, snuff out, exterminate, impoverish, enervate, reduce to, blight, overdo, lambaste, infect, punish, inflict, lay siege, besiege, strip (a cathedral of its art and gold), deplete (stocks/supplies), bleed (dry)