recoil, drag, crouch, sag, slump, freeze, freeze up, pull out, hide, slink, bolt, retreat, shy away, shrink, quit, stop, cut off, step back, hold back, bow out, withdraw, detach, flag, pull away, walk out/away, cave in, fall back, turn away, edge away, turn aside/away, shut up/away, back away/out, pull back/away, stand back/aside, sequester oneself, remove (oneself), lose (one's appetite), isolate oneself, avert, keep to oneself
sever, separate, suffer, slacken, break down, hide, slink, elude, evade, shy away, neglect, crumple, glaze over, recede, withhold, cancel, deteriorate, yield, relapse, brood, avoid, revert, dampen, deaden, languish, edge away, turn aside/away, back away/out, pull back/away, remove (oneself), fall silent, decline (invitations), divorce oneself, distance oneself, shrink from, walk away, turn off, hold in, put off, stop (returning texts), numb oneself, give up/in, exhaust (one's friends), sequester (oneself), isolate (oneself), detach (oneself), stay home, reject (offers of help), keep to oneself
toss, outfit, earmark, slip, endow, prop up, award, back, fundraise, fund, bankroll, chip in, loan, sponsor, underwrite, bail out, lend, approve (a loan), cosign, pay, dispense, gift, patronize, pledge, rustle up, give, give out, raise (bail), pick up (the tab), come through with, clothe, tithe, take on, turn over (resources), adopt (a highway), cover (costs), advance (money or goods), enlarge (an endowment), absorb (a cost), provide for, donate (funds/goods), frequent, lavish
pick up (steam/the pace), untangle, cultivate, elevate (standards), raise (standards), embed, unravel, lead to, revitalize (the work), reinforce (the work ethic), validate (results), straighten out (problems), enlarge (the pool of ideas), expand (the scope of an undertaking), broaden (the group perspective), ingrain (principles), fix (methods/inconsistencies), root out/for, establish (standards)
lift, wind up, fuel, tap into, rally, charge, start, nudge, prompt, kindle, awaken, arouse, stimulate, spark, ignite, convince, sway, vitalize, mobilize, stoke, excite, encourage, enthuse, compel, motivate, incentivize, invigorate, seed, pump up, revive, foster, inspire, rouse, cheer, uplift, urge, exhort, summon, kick-start, impel, kick off, exert, fire up, coax, jumpstart, spur, rev up, prop, turn on/up, call to/up, light (a fire/candle), marshal, pique (interest)