suffer, bear, bleed, swallow, submit, stumble, cower, stagger, endure, put up with, stomach, undergo, cry out, cover (one's head), curl (into a fetal position), ball up (one's fist), call for (help), shut down (one's feelings), wait (for the abuse to end), take it, fear (one's perpetrator), listen (for a chance to escape)
handle, direct, command, orchestrate, impose, oppose, manage, advise, oversee, regulate, recommend, stipulate, admonish, foist, require, disapprove, warn, caution, instruct, turn someone away from, inflict, turn up one's nose at, disagree, object to, take issue with, remove (options/privileges), take away (someone's keys), counsel, give advice, control (someone's finances), run the show, call the shots, lead (someone in a direction), run (someone's affairs), gaslight
suffer, bear, bleed, swallow, submit, stumble, cower, stagger, endure, put up with, stomach, undergo, cry out, cover (one's head), curl (into a fetal position), ball up (one's fist), call for (help), shut down (one's feelings), wait (for the abuse to end), take it, fear (one's perpetrator), listen (for a chance to escape)