even out, stabilize, weigh, complement, proportion, match, nix, retract, nullify, void, invalidate, annul, withdraw, correct, offset, compensate, add, reverse, negate, wipe out/clean, cancel (out), counter, level (the playing field), equate, equal, balance (out), counterbalance, tip the balance, maintain (value), make up for, detract, temper with, outweigh, exact, neutralize, counterweigh, go against, counteract, remedy, make good, even out/up, counterpoise, countervail
sever, hollow out, trisect, shave off, snip, clip, trim, break off, crush, scrunch, pinch, contract, split, carve, whittle, chisel, remove, quarter, shrink, puncture, thin, hack off, reduce, narrow, divide, lag, purge, consume, deflate, tear down/apart, shear off, slice off, decrease, shorten, dwarf, prune, condense, diminish, stunt, subdivide, miniaturize, chip away at, knock off, halve, chip off, empty (contents), lighten (weight of load), bisect, wear away/down
degrade, libel, slander, invalidate, censor, damage, doubt, dispute, discount, devalue, depreciate, deflate, call into question, diminish, smear, pronounce, discredit, blame, belittle, denigrate, poke holes in, reduce to, question (the validity of), disprove, refute, explode (a myth), damage (a reputation), cast in a negative light, cast doubt on, reproach, pin blame on, investigate (the value), depict (in a negative light), deride, tear apart, inveigh against
knock, brush aside, slough off, overlook, ignore, disregard, ditch, gloss over, abandon, condescend, devalue, deflate, disparage, diminish, trivialize, dismiss, discredit, put down, shrug off, belittle, denigrate, badmouth, poke holes in, sell short, downplay, treat lightly, detract from, skip over, dis, reduce to, pass over, pooh-pooh, forget, pay no heed to, make light of, sneeze at, take no notice of, discount (as unworthy of consideration), miss the point
pick up, rise, pad, rear, bulk up, dilate, enlarge, lengthen, puff up, wax, infuse, widen, amplify, expand, magnify, ramp up, increase, develop, thrive, scale up, gain, regain, inflate, compound, rack up, augment, add to, extend, supplement, enhance, enrich, heighten, fluff up, flare forth/up, billow, beef up, round out, thicken, balloon, rightsize
count, appraise, multiply, double, price, value, divide, evaluate, calculate, add, sum up, number, tally, compute, enumerate, total, amount to, subtract, halve, figure (in), triple, quadruple, cut in two, work out/up, do the numbers, round up/out/down, recount, quantify, arrive at (an amount/figure)
signal, count, establish, show, personify, manifest, imply, suggest, stand for, embody, connote, epitomize, mark, reflect, represent, implicate, demonstrate, designate, signify, reference, characterize, determine, typify, prove, associate with, encapsulate, hint at, allude to, refer to, point to, mean, indicate, symbolize, exhibit, testify to, serve to/as, lead one to (believe), harken back to, denote, exemplify, express, intimate, herald, spell
repeat, replace, replicate, forge, mimic, imitate, reproduce, simulate, impersonate, duplicate, blur, caricature, contrast, photocopy, record, photograph, falsify, feign, fake, counterfeit, copy, plagiarize, xerox, simplify, ape, cc, bcc, forward, mimeograph
parallel, mirror, fit, replicate, standardize, compare, mimic, echo, imitate, follow, seem, look like, resemble, duplicate, match, juxtapose, associate, overlap, synthesize, copy, benchmark, piggyback, link, relate to, equate, point to, stack up, harmonize, equal, measure up to, bear resemblance, remind one of, match up, smack of, correspond to, correlate, liken, conform to, border on, approximate, homologize, homogenize, evoke (an image/a déjà vu)
appraise, grade, establish, settle on, profile, define, pin, price, value, review, redefine, report, rank, judge, rate, resolve, characterize, distinguish, declare, determine, prove, confirm, deem (inadequate), clinch, decide on, agree on, arrive at (a decision/value), revise (earlier estimates), resolve (contradictions), clear up (inconsistencies), conclude, testify, view in a new light, give it a (mark)
applaud, authenticate, back, verify, accept, substantiate, approve, support, favor, appreciate, praise, endorse, confirm, corroborate, nod (approval), deem (acceptable), agree with, think well of, rubberstamp, give the green light to, give the thumbs-up to, ratify, sanction, validate, give the ok to, give the go-ahead to
concentrate, inspect, follow, absorb, see, peer, study, survey, witness, scrutinize, examine, monitor, observe, fix one's gaze, view, size up, regard, notice, detect, perceive, decipher, check out, recognize, look at/into, sharpen one's focus, suspend judgment, dissect, present (a point of view), make a point/an observation
analyze, break down, reformulate, compare, detect, discern, vet, authenticate, research, assess, verify, decipher, dispute, bank on, distinguish, root (one's knowledge in vast reading), base, deem, pick apart, find fault (with a premise), sort out (fact from fiction), gauge (authenticity), prove, confirm, validate (a theory), corroborate, identify (source/date), take stock, discriminate between, look over, detect (holes in the argument)
finger, select, favor, pick, appreciate, go for, tend to, like, prefer, veer toward, gravitate toward, swing toward, lean to/toward, predispose, trend, be disposed to, be inclined to, opt for, have a tendency, have a propensity, find agreeable/enjoyable, fancy, be attracted to, be drawn to, choose, cotton to