concentrate, grope, poke, prod, hold, assist, pace, stimulate, monitor, celebrate, encourage, support, time (contractions), catch (the baby), measure (dilation of the cervix), massage (the uterus), summon (the midwife), deliver (baby/placenta), alleviate (discomfort), take photos (of a newborn), administer (pain medication), minister to (mother/baby)
tear, grip, clench, rip, contract, thrust, push, heave, squat, ripple, sweat, brace, flush, shriek, birth, squeal, bleed, pace, pant, whimper, give birth, bellow, roar, tremble, dilate, soften, ooze, spurt, gush, focus, open, pulse, erupt, progress, release, huff, inhale, rupture, gasp, cry out, quake, throb, exclaim, wail, moan, writhe, exhale, groan, crown, draw (in breath), rock (pelvis), lean on/back, blow (air), labor