Recommended Results
force, yank, snatch, jab, ram, slap, lash, hit, smack, smite, whack, clobber, pummel, wallop, hammer, assault, blindside, sling, play with, flare (one's nostrils), tackle, strut, jump, mock, mimic, chase, steal, trap, corner, menace, threaten, swagger, squint, size up, target, waylay, fluster, shock, hold down, abuse, demand, berate, intimidate, scare, harass, ridicule, barge, spit, terrorize, terrify, persecute, humiliate, pick on, frighten, trip, disconcert, glower, pounce on, knock around, perpetrate, torment, hassle, instigate, loom over, harangue, victimize, bear down on, poke fun at, slam against (a wall), pump up (one's venom), twist (someone's arm), browbeat, e-bully
turn away/aside, skedaddle, draw back, yield, step back, excuse oneself, sidestep, withdraw, jump back, walk away, hold in/back, avert (a fight), avoid (someone's rage), back away/off/down, open and shut (one's mouth), lay down (one's arms), rein in (one's urge to fight), keep away, extricate (oneself), run away/off, pretend to agree, disavow
negotiate, bargain, object, subdue, forestall, reason, win over, soften one's tone, assuage, de-escalate, stand up for, counter, charm, lower one's voice, sympathize, agree, appeal to, defuse, talk (one's way out of), threaten (to press charges), quiet one's voice, talk someone down, mirror (someone's desires/concerns), modulate (the voice), avert (an argument), join someone in their reality, disavow
duck, secure, protect, bolt, fend off, subdue, check, block, flee, hold back/down, intercept, ward off, dodge, stave off, defend, back off/away, resist, rebuff, repel, shield, keep at bay, escape, guard, turn away, avert, pepper, run away, body block, head off, pepper-spray, back off/up, restrain (a hothead), turn someone in, bar (someone from entering), block (phone calls), lock (someone out), hold in check, keep in check, break free/off, cut off (contact), disarm (companions or opponents), drive back
manipulate, duck, tense, flare (one's nostrils), stiffen, bristle, stammer, quiver, smolder, protest, object, scream, scramble, cower, tremble, shrink, interrupt, barge in, fluster, shout, yell, deny, oppose, snap back, dispute, pout, defend (oneself), decry, contradict, counter, seethe, cringe, flinch, wince, lambaste, jump back, burst (into tears), retaliate, rebuke, ream out, react, scoff at, chafe at, wave (one's arms)
jab, hammer, snap, protest, agitate, unleash, rend, attack, glare, explode, erupt, refuse to, harass, blow up, spit, revile, uncork, stir up, seethe, penalize, rupture, lash out, act out/up, exacerbate, storm, scowl, sneer, glower, accuse, flare up, antagonize, punish, foment, snort at, slam (the door), rampage (through the office), fly (into a rage), go wild/berserk, vituperate, rail against
jab, heckle, stir, agitate, badger, pester, menace, trigger, ignite, pressure, escalate, confront, foist, harass, rankle, spit, provoke, inflame, pick on, tick off, rouse, roil, aggravate, irritate, torment, plague, goad, needle, hassle, antagonize, instigate, rile, anger, incite, enrage, infuriate, pit (someone against someone else), drive (to distraction), harry, pick (a fight)
blast, pelt, hammer, unload, snap, fume, order, vent, sear, tear down, howl, mock, scream, fight, bellow, snarl, growl, bait, roar, exaggerate, insinuate, vilify, curse, shout, yell, demand, argue, rehash, berate, bicker, rankle, disparage, ridicule, swear, drown out, spit, insult, counter, incense, overstate, demonize, put down, blame, grill, deride, rave, bawl, lambaste, scorn, bruise, accuse, goad, chide, rebuke, ream out, dredge up, hash out, affront, cuss, foment, rail, zing, raise one's voice, edge in, snipe, damn, rant, stab (with snark), sling (insults), raise (one's voice), savage
tackle, leap, dominate, submit, fend off, corner, attack, cover, distract, deceive, trick, bluff, fake, parry, dodge, intimidate, defend, debilitate, wear out/down, ball up (one's fist), hold off, bear down on, center (oneself), back away/off/down, dash (at one's opponent), make for, clench (one's fist), roll up (one's sleeves), brandish, body-block, chase down, spring at, feint, unbalance (one's opponent)
seize, grasp, grab, clamp, force, yank, wrestle, punch, rip, scrape, beat, bang, jab, ram, zap, bash, maul, slug, thrash, hit, knock, slam, smack, pound, whomp, strike, whack, thwack, swipe, clobber, pummel, wallop, hammer, sideswipe, jam, strangle, choke, suffocate, press, gnash, chomp, thrust, shove, drive, sling, heave, lift, wrap, throw, hurl, buck, catapult, defenestrate, straddle, knuckle, shake, swing, topple, nail, bite, leap, claw, bat, catch, pounce, lunge, pin, gag, hold down, elbow, hook, lambaste, spar, scuffle, spring at, knee, deal (someone a blow)
tear, chop, hack, sever, lop off, slash, butcher, eviscerate, disembowel, crosscut, rip, shave off, shear, scrape, skin, dice, score, nick, graze, jab, slice, dig, shred, whet, stab, slit, cut, incise, carve, sharpen, stick, pierce, puncture, scar, jag, scuff, spike, wield, plunge, hone, knife, sheathe (a knife), impale, lacerate, filet, riddle bash
bore, hit, manipulate, lie, steal, assume, control, cheat, betray, fib, polarize, welsh, disrespect, frustrate, refuse to, deny, lose control, confront, harp, renege, carp, stab in the back, throw under the bus, badmouth, chomp at the bit, champ at the bit, aggravate, exasperate, nag, accuse, act out, antagonize, fudge (the truth), drink (too much), dispense with (civility), fail to (carry out responsibilities), break agreements, commit (adultery), go behind someone's back, forget (to call), sneak around, skip out on, shirk (responsibilities)
tear, cleave, mangle, slash, maim, mutilate, rip, maul, crack, twist, snap, shred, crack open, pry, slit, split, cut, shatter, break, claw, rend, jag, burst, blind, open, bloody, cripple, hurt, rupture, splinter, hook, contort, injure, slit open, wound, punish, inflict, collar, gash, force open, bust informal), pitch (to the ground), low bridge (basketball specific), necktie, duel (chiefly historical)
slash, blindside, buck, stiffen, tackle, test, overpower, fight, foil, size up, block, polarize, target, subvert, thwart, prohibit, obstruct, reject, combat, outdo, compete, demand, vie for, confront, battle, dispute, refuse, contradict, override, contest, defy, stand one's ground, counter, rebuff, repel, counterpose, keep at bay, warn, soldier on, instigate, pit against, spar, drive back, hold out/up, turn on/against/down, choke off, play off/against
pull, force, snatch, drag, chain, restrain, overpower, bait, ensnare, threaten, muffle, lure, gag, smuggle, kidnap, drug, tie down, keep track of, coax, lock (up), abduct, dope, roofie, cover (someone's mouth), lead away, hold gun (to head), entice (someone into a van), chloroform, knock (unconscious), jump tail
grab, force, mangle, beat, mash, club, bash, slap, lash, hit, smack, smite, whack, thwack, clobber, pummel, wallop, hammer, assault, strangle, muscle, chain, kick, strip, restrain, dominate, overpower, tear into, bear down, subdue, violate, pin down, abuse, subjugate, foist, scare, flay, strong-arm, flagellate, persecute, torture, penalize, pounce on, misuse, lock up, perpetrate, tyrannize, afflict, torment, punish, subject to, loom over, victimize, scathe
suffer, bear, bleed, swallow, submit, stumble, cower, stagger, endure, put up with, stomach, undergo, cry out, cover (one's head), curl (into a fetal position), ball up (one's fist), call for (help), shut down (one's feelings), wait (for the abuse to end), take it, fear (one's perpetrator), listen (for a chance to escape)
point, frame, scold, charge, tear into, attack, insinuate, harp, chastise, berate, carp, throw under the bus, blame, reproach, pin blame on, lash out, accuse, proscribe, lay blame on, incriminate, rebuke, reprimand, lecture, ream out, fault, harangue, condemn, castigate, moralize, rant, find (fault)
knock, trash, tear down, challenge, attack, slander, defame, vilify, marginalize, deflate, decry, disparage, slur, debase, insult, revile, smear, repudiate, trivialize, demean, discredit, demonize, put down, malign, belittle, denigrate, badmouth, dis, deride, inveigh against, rip apart, mar, deprecate, scoff at, disdain, snipe
jab, bash, knock, sling, chafe, trash, stab, mock, imitate, wag, impersonate, tease, spout, caricature, exaggerate, decry, disparage, ridicule, insult, demean, dismiss, belittle, pooh-pooh, deride, ape, lambaste, scorn, snicker, snigger, make fun of, rebuke, scoff at, snort at, parody, snark, swipe at, roll (eyes), lampoon, spoof, satirize, deal (a blow)
force, push down, grope, strip, overpower, slip, threaten, pretend, distort, convince, persuade, pressure, hold down, take advantage of, abuse, coerce, foist, tempt, scare, blame, enter, frighten, insist, drug, goad, rape, push into a corner, lock the door, rip (clothes), touch (inappropriately), spike (with drugs), warp (judgment), smooth-talk, get into someone's pants, exploit (someone's innocence), get someone drunk, roofie (slang), force oneself upon, foist oneself upon
Violence & Confrontation > Rape & Sex Trafficking > Misleading Youth Into Depravity or the Sex Trade
lie, fabricate, bait, pretend, deceive, trick, dupe, scam, con, fake, misrepresent, mislead, delude, convince, persuade, fool, lure, sway, spoil, recruit, corrupt, rope in, foist, reel in, entice, influence, pervert, traffic, transport, victimize, promise, coax, pimp (slang), tempt (young girls with offers of education or jobs), falsify (documents), deprave, debauch, lead astray, take (across a border), confiscate (one's passport)
beat, slap, lash, hit, bind, grind, thrust, heave, grope, scratch, chain, strip, bite, grunt, dominate, overpower, arouse, tie, climax, violate, gag, penetrate, demand, plunge, spit, hurt, flagellate, surge, unzip, handcuff, impregnate, role-play, punish, copulate, defile, come, ejaculate, ravish, fornicate, blindfold, rape, molest, foist oneself upon, force oneself on, subject (someone to humiliation), screw (slang), fuck (obscene), bag (obscene), rail (obscene), nail (obscene), bang (obscene), ball (obscene), roll (slang), hump (obscene), knock up (slang), diddle (obscene)
grab, wrestle, tussle, wrangle, struggle, grapple, clash, scrap, brace, tackle, challenge, threaten, arm, brawl, lock horns, skirmish, fall upon (one another), come to blows, scuffle, exchange blows, wrassle (informal – non-standard spelling of wrestle), rassle (non-standard spelling of wrestle), grab hold of, seize (someone's arm), draw weapons, feud, challenge (someone to a fight), descend into violence, call someone out, gird (for battle), throw fists
smash, mutilate, shove, trash, paint, spray, wreck, shatter, tag, spatter, splatter, emblazon, mark, key (a car), graffiti, sabotage, ruin, vandalize, disfigure, deface, rampage, scrawl (graffiti), throw (a rock through the window), tip over (cows), set fire to, egg, tp, toilet paper, destroy (public property), desecrate (a religious building), upend (furniture), damage (private property), overturn (furniture)
chop, hack, disembowel, amputate, beat, club, strangle, smother, choke, suffocate, drag, slice, stab, strip, asphyxiate, burn, hold down, cut (off), starve, disfigure, whip, flay, lynch, flagellate, humiliate, scald, waterboard, dismember, main, hang (on a hook/rack), stretch (on a rack), impale, scalp, deprive (of water or sleep), break (bones), remove (fingernails), tar and feather, ride the rail, pluck out, denail
hack, maim, butcher, beat, club, bash, strangle, smother, choke, suffocate, hang, stab, destroy, slaughter, asphyxiate, commandeer, loot, pillage, ransack, finish someone off, execute, liquidate, annihilate, eliminate, exterminate, mow down, whip, flay, lynch, flagellate, torture, cut down, dispatch, drown, assassinate, string up, dismember, murder, slay, martyr, massacre, bump off, feed to the fishes, commit genocide
force, mash, blast, strike, clobber, pelt, pummel, assault, drive, unload, shoot, fire, bombard, encircle, signal, level, pop, smoke, synchronize, strip, dismantle, sear, invade, troop, charge, rumble, chase, throng, unleash, trap, bear down, advance, scout, converge, riddle, flare, singe, explode, burn, commandeer, raid, run amok, combat, levy, mow down, fan out, storm, assail, march, bivouac, torch, besiege, deploy, whiz, snipe, rampage, roll through/into (tanks), hit (a target), set off (a bomb), chunk, barrage, convoy, dynamite, redeploy
seize, grasp, force, snatch, evict, expel, power, order, degrade, demolish, strut, overrun, crow, slaughter, unseat, dominate, overtake, overpower, strain, capture, obliterate, swagger, beat down, occupy, engulf, control, violate, bribe, subvert, loot, raid, rout, ransack, deprive, defeat, overcome, deny, gain, regain, sack, conquer, displace, oppress, subjugate, coerce, intimidate, purge, compel, boast, line up, overturn, eradicate, annihilate, eliminate, debase, starve, bully, provoke, revile, demean, humiliate, salute, reduce to, exact, exile, brag, glory in, revel in, emasculate, triumph, surmount, overthrow, disarm, decree, drive out, throw out, banish, spare, impel, ravish, hoist (the flag), install (new government), vanquish, resettle (refugees)
discharge, hunker down, split, break, brave, protect, dig in, elude, trap, surrender, black out, flare, intensify, circle, reconnoiter, trick, target, endanger, waylay, derail, cut off, undermine, disable, combat, hold out/on, endure, field, withstand, escalate, fortify, counter, rebuff, alert, snipe, brace for, stand their ground, volley, regain (territory), recapture, sentinel, turn back (invaders)
unload, load, maneuver, assemble, train, strategize, stake out, spy, draft, deceive, scheme, mastermind, plan, codify, levy, map, amass, ferry, encamp, transport, arm, suit up, near (the front line), weaponize (space), drill (troops), churn out (weaponry), declare war, devise (battle plan), coerce (allies to go to war), conscript, airdrop, discipline (the troops), cipher, decipher (enemy code), militarize