deliver, supply, parcel out, dole out, earmark, distribute, mark, funnel, allocate, furnish, relegate, mete out, allot, circulate, pay out, dish out, assign, dispense, apportion, disburse, ration, drop off, channel, share, hand out, pass around/out, divide (up), deal out, measure out, give out, earmark for, designate for, set aside for, divvy up, portion out, fill (containers), spread around, bring, dispatch
toss, outfit, earmark, slip, endow, prop up, award, back, fundraise, fund, bankroll, chip in, loan, sponsor, underwrite, bail out, lend, approve (a loan), cosign, pay, dispense, gift, patronize, pledge, rustle up, give, give out, raise (bail), pick up (the tab), come through with, clothe, tithe, take on, turn over (resources), adopt (a highway), cover (costs), advance (money or goods), enlarge (an endowment), absorb (a cost), provide for, donate (funds/goods), frequent, lavish
clamp, clasp, yank, snip, clip, trim, bind, tighten, insert, stuff, hoist, rope, bundle, wrap, fold, nestle, snap, glue, gird, tape, enclose, lasso, bolt, affix, cover, swaddle, tuck, cinch, paper over, crease, adhere, compact, lash together, strap, fasten, hook, knot, loop (string/ribbon), wind (ribbon around a box), tie (a bow), crimp (ribbon), plump up (tissue paper), curl (ribbon), crate, coil (packing tape around the box), pad (a box with bubble wrap), peel (tape), stick in, box up, load (a container), twist (string)
pull, glom, wrest, yank, snatch, get one's hands on, score, pinch, wrench, forage, scrounge, scavenge, rout around, steal, draw, finagle, rake in, funnel, pocket, bribe, claim, filch, nab, pilfer, pickpocket, retrieve, cash in on, skim off, double-dip, wheedle, whisk away, squeeze from, amass, kidnap, coax out of, carve out, lay one's hands on
stock, mount, pile up, exceed, earn, surpass, acquire, own, invest, pad (one's portfolio/pocketbook), write off (deductions), reach, heap, gain (interest), add, deduct (from income tax), accrue, amass (wealth), increase (net worth), compound, consolidate (investments), fill (the coffers), rack up, save, attain, possess, aggrandize, accumulate, trade (on the stock market), inherit, buy, rake it in, accumulate (wealth)
water, grow, produce, yield, fertilize, install (irrigation), irrigate, plant, seed, harvest, turn over (soil), rotate (crops), plant (a cover crop), spray (with pesticides), modify (seed), engineer (high-yielding varieties of grain), cultivate, spread (seed), douse (crop with pesticide), store (corn in a silo), thresh, bale (hay), reap, pick
pollute, contaminate, endanger, deplete (soil of nutrients), unbalance the ecosystem, kill (bees), poison (soil/water table), damage (biodiversity), use up (soil nutrients), exhaust (soil), drain (nutrients), deteriorate (human living conditions), deflate (prices), emit (greenhouse gases), run off (chemical fertilizers), expose (to carcinogens)
negotiate, back out, welsh, welch, bankrupt, default, liquidate, declare (bankruptcy), go out of business, overextend, overbuy, wipe out (savings), make an assignment, renege, fail to pay, harm (one's credit rating), indulge (spending pattern), go belly up, absolve (someone of debt), restructure (one's debts), reorganize (one's financial affairs)
mangle, trudge, skip, slough off, overlook, ignore, sputter, delay, screw up, dodge, lag, shirk, err, knock off (early), skirt, play around, give up (too quickly), pop by/over (to a neighbor's cubicle), avoid, leave, dally, scribble, defend (oneself), postpone, misplace, dawdle, procrastinate, daydream, fuck up
score, beat, pick up, position, fine-tune, analyze, tackle, cycle, measure, turn out, model, appraise, calibrate, route, benefit from, leap, rocket, project, grow, beta-test, explode, expand, hold up, evaluate, figure in, correct, increase, report, estimate, perform, exceed, earn, thrive, scale up, sell, spike, take over, hit (a peak), gain, tip (the balance), turn a profit, prove (profitable), buy out, move out, outgrow, succeed, level out, better, offset, excel, regain, reduce (waste), outdo, outshine, outstrip, surpass, predict, progress, outlast, outperform, revitalize, vitalize, mobilize, skyrocket, recapitalize, inflate, profit, make (a profit)
score, hit, clobber, impact, blindside, fold, drop, falter, analyze, cycle, measure, appraise, calibrate, route, benefit from, totter, ail, slip, recall, project, reduce, peter out, waver, close, weaken, equalize, abandon, burden, pressure, derail, impair, undermine, plummet, tumble, fall, flatline, fail, evaluate, withstand, figure in, report, estimate, move out, level out, offset, predict, outlast, lose, sack, cut back, cut (loss), lay off, break even, hold out, hit bottom, tank, slow, lapse, shut down, shutter, bankrupt, bottom out, signify, foreclose, downgrade, saddle (with debt), default, relapse, absorb (loss), repossess, liquidate, sell (assets)
contract, pitch, launch, operate, replicate, engineer, build, standardize, commercialize, saturate, negotiate, strategize, grow, beta-test, burst, coordinate, expand, risk, venture, hire, implement, develop, scale up, take over, excel, unveil, roll out (a new product), merge, mass produce, create (a corporation), join forces, cinch (the deal), rework, rival, compete, vie for (a market), acquire, corner (the market), monopolize, relocate, monetize, penetrate, leverage, consolidate, diversify, capitalize, incorporate, initiate, parlay, split (stock), effectuate
manipulate, cooperate, employ, pollute, negotiate, dictate, dominate, strategize, capture, haggle, control, exploit, claim, pillage, despoil, impose, accommodate, take over, buy out, rival, compete, corner (the market), monopolize, take advantage of, use up (resources), join (forces), abuse, conquer, pervade, displace, oppress, mistreat, demand, translate, underpay, subjugate, marginalize, wipe out, coerce, stake, hog, import, export, launder (money)
contract, pitch, launch, cooperate, operate, employ, retool, replicate, engineer, build, supply, model, standardize, roll out, saturate, negotiate, protect, strategize, adapt, coordinate, scope out, haggle, demarcate, direct, market, expand, explore, research, control, collaborate, risk, deal, venture, defeat, field, accommodate, regulate, implement, develop, delegate, perform, take over, excel, recapitalize, profit, unveil, mass produce, rival, compete, acquire, corner (the market), relocate, monetize, penetrate, leverage, consolidate, diversify, capitalize, incorporate, initiate, join (forces), demand, translate, stake, import, export, launder (money), wield, vie for, exempt, outsource, conduct, master, govern, forecast, transfer, benchmark, prevail, globalize, establish (territory), utilize, restructure, assimilate, contextualize, retrench, finance, fund, subsidize, grubstake, bankroll, win
pack, launch, operate, fine-tune, power, outfit, manufacture, fabricate, generate, tool, retool, inspect, engineer, feed, stock, package, build, supply, turn out, order, parcel out, model, debut, tailor, register, license, resource, warehouse, research and develop, certify, standardize, calibrate, overhaul, synchronize, commercialize, finish, assemble, upgrade, track, label, adjust, produce, comply, estimate, implement, mass produce, make, ratchet (up/down), furnish, restock, replenish, re-order, specify, escalate, inventory, ship, backorder
generate, charge, stream, value, collect, produce, rake in, pocket, earn, gain, lose, monetize, leverage, bill, bring in, take home, gross, receive, make money, draw down, pull down, haul in, secure (an income/a job), capitalize on, cash in on, subsist on, maintain (clientele/web presence), apply for (jobs), interview for (jobs), hold down (a job), sustain, set (a fee scale), fix (rate/price), maximize (income), cash (one's paycheck), deposit (one's paycheck), bring home, make (a bundle)
file, count, figure, book, collect, adjust, cheat, claim, withhold, tax, assess, calculate, estimate, allocate, absorb (loss), exempt, allot, deduct, write off, gross, add, depreciate, amortize, pay, retain (one's earnings), incur, extend (deadline), record (profit), audit (taxes), levy, check off, refund, expense, consolidate (expenses)
unload, load, bundle, straddle, secure, order, bid, convert, roll over, advance, project, monitor, tip off, deal, yield, exchange, manage, maintain, purchase, sell, recapitalize, inflate, liquidate, acquire, leverage, consolidate, diversify, capitalize, transfer, finance, fund, bankroll, allot, transact, discount, compensate, invest, privatize, option, ask, buy (stocks), own (property/shares), trade, play (the market), day-trade, close a deal, open up, close out (an account), float (bonds), expand (revenue streams), broker, offset (risk), absorb (risk), divest, ladder, annuitize, spread (risk), bail out, put (option to sell), call (option to buy), hedge (investment), short, book the investor booked the investment as a loss., cash out, reinvest, refinance, barter
gauge, measure, appraise, log, track, figure, check, value, budget, evaluate, calculate, estimate, rank, write up, chart, deduct, add, monitor (one's investments), sum up, index, number, tally, record (on ledger sheet), compute, compile, enumerate, account for, balance (checkbook), round up (figures), total, keep (records/books), round out (figures on a balance sheet), round off (figures on a balance sheet)
secure, lower, adopt, execute, default, guarantee, borrow, amortize, indemnify, incur (debt), undertake (to pay back a loan), mortgage, sign (loan documents), cosign, take on (debt), resolve, pay up, pay back/down, make a payment, qualify for (a loan), submit (forms), provide (down payment), pay (loan payments), repay, autopay, fill out (loan papers), enhance (credit rating), notarize
sign, advance, front, value, collect, figure in, service, foreclose, finance, fund, bankroll, issue, loan, underwrite, write off, accrue, lend, turn down (applicant for loan), approve (a loan), charge (interest), evaluate (credit-worthiness of the borrower), enforce, assign, document, lien (property), fix (an interest rate), waive (fees), robosign, levy (fees), compound (interest), amortize, file (claims/lawsuits)
handle, fire, boot out, inspect, supervise, appraise, train, reward, run up the flagpole, monitor, size up, direct, schedule, promote, evaluate, manage, field, hire, staff, oversee, interview, regulate, delegate, facilitate, sack, benchmark, review (performance), discipline, rank, mandate, demote, approve, notify (an employee of a potential promotion), relegate, pension off, coordinate (employee duties), mentor, designate (tasks for a subordinate), cater to a strength, superintend, empower, follow through
operate, fine-tune, order, resource, standardize, synchronize, draw up, upgrade, negotiate, organize, earmark, hammer out, direct, budget, synch, command, control, funnel, finesse, orchestrate, intervene, sift through, verify, figure in, update, structure, formulate, authorize, allocate, stake, run (an office), close (a deal), chart, rate, determine (pay rates), bank, brief, purge, downsize, allot, steward, contract out, consult, expedite, summarize, codify, prioritize, sign off, transact, integrate, calendar
yank, wrangle, sever, chuck, brush aside, manipulate, dismantle, protest, dictate, skip, drone, dole out, fight, bark, evade, bear down, typecast, profile, blot out, flare, flood, haggle, plot, exploit, bribe, claim, whitewash, contrive, co-opt, invalidate, pressure, hold back/down, thwart, inundate, squelch, prohibit, obstruct, inhibit, undermine, erupt, screw up, swamp, bumble, shout, maintain, relegate, micromanage, confront, harp, judge, mete out, lord (it over one's workers), grant, save face, lag, write up, smooth over, dance around (issues), cut off/short, snap back, step on, play off (one worker against another), break (a promise/trust), scuttle (a plan), sanction (low standards), argue, favor, cover up/for, jockey, battle, dicker, issue (orders), rehash, dispute, corrupt, chastise, cater to, berate, admonish, abdicate (responsibility), condescend, intimidate, disempower, write off, rail against
supervise, appraise, overhaul, scan, screen, mark, witness, scrutinize, examine, monitor, observe, check, vet, direct, prohibit, evaluate, manage, maintain, report, authorize, keep an eye on, keep score (with subordinates), rein in, pay a visit, detect (organizational problems), address, stipulate, critique, micromanage, criticize, inquire, require (updates), noodge, stoke, excite, encourage, support, confront, follow through
hammer, impact, pitch, ply, plug, cast, tap into, reinforce, convert, woo, trot out, show, switch, badger, bait, prompt, imply, evoke, capture, arouse, transmit, project, profile, lionize, imbue, highlight, showcase, embellish, tease, flaunt, steep, set apart, captivate, rivet, distort, depict, spin, con, claim, mislead, hustle, persuade, insinuate, scheme, target, gamble, impinge on/upon, censor, create, favor, brief, serve, rope in, wow, lead (the market), foist, reel in, entice, hype, shill, rebate, tempt, win over, scare, pop (out), hail, draw in, enthuse, cajole, compel, sweeten, discount, appeal, harvest (customers), assure, pander, retarget, optimize, sexualize, guarantee, motivate, propagate, glorify, entertain, mesmerize, incentivize, spread the message
yank, pitch, launch, debut, synchronize, roll out, saturate, tweet, reproduce, post, proliferate, transmit, display, distribute, permeate, monitor, book, feature, announce, advertise, associate, promote, market, risk, inundate, implement, sell, leverage, benchmark, optimize, propagate, unveil (a new product), release, flood (the market), list, text, tack up (posters), phase out, issue, peddle, publicize, submit (ad), campaign, retarget (customers with a second ad), reference, qualify (one's leads), circulate, innovate, syndicate, disseminate, re-circulate, affiliate
engineer, brand, strategize, scout, coordinate, scope out, front, research, brainstorm, target, opt out, diversify, forecast, phase out, bend (one's campaign to lure customers), troll, opt in, track (hits), spy (on customers), phase in, massage (content), streamline, interpret (customers' tastes), generate (buzz), invigorate
concentrate, extricate, handle, shut up, cooperate, compromise, bear, submit, censor, inhibit, opt out, stand down, step back, accept, cope, play to a strength, carry on, endure, tolerate, field, comply, tread lightly, conform, defer, self-censor, abide, let go, resign oneself, manage to, cater to, sign off, circulate, hold down (a job), avoid, flirt, drop (a complaint), ingratiate, go along, sign on, come around, schmooze, excuse, rephrase, soften one's tone, defend, partake, relent, behave, ally (oneself), stifle (an impulse), socialize, focus on, apologize, capitulate, step down, step into, step aside, make way for
manipulate, tense, bother, bargain, solicit, strut, ruffle, mock, trot out, bark, badger, pester, show up, imply, ignore, embellish, swagger, show off, plot, deceive, betray, tattle, divulge, eavesdrop, hijack, delay, fluster, undermine, disrespect, forbid, dance around, table, abuse, mistreat, favor, jockey, condescend, intimidate, patronize, require, quibble, avoid, call into question, huff, shame, pull rank, fine, snub, turn on/against, play off, wag a finger, gloat, bend (rules), enlist (others in backbiting), decry, cover for, gossip, bicker, harass, refuse, rankle, squabble, stonewall, backbite, disparage, stigmatize, ridicule, womanize, philander, slur, hit on, flirt, swear, discriminate against, stab in the back
file, gauge, model, calibrate, grade, organize, brand, name, type, profile, label, pigeonhole, define, mark, pick out, classify, authenticate, redefine, designate, downgrade, merge, consolidate, specify, rank, rate, codify, reference, enumerate, assign, cite, stick (a label on something), map, term, rename, archive, title, catalog, characterize, sub-classify, subordinate, categorize, appoint
file, separate, break down, standardize, log, grade, organize, tag, scan, type, define, highlight, sheaf, mark, identify, collect, classify, formalize, record, come up with, comb through, merge, consolidate, specify, rank, judge, list, reference, streamline, centralize, index, number, map, archive, title, categorize, sort, hone, flag, cull, parse, back up, pick out/apart, stratify, itemize, alphabetize, sift
trundle, punch in/out, tack, fine-tune, lock, unlock, register, draw up, dictate, call, post, type, coordinate, schedule, purchase, edit, prioritize, list, bill, assign, categorize, back up, book (appointments), field (problems), stock (supplies), hunt down, slit (envelopes), revise, enter (data), write, rewrite, phone, telephone, order (supplies), bustle about, transcribe, procure, answer (phone/email), ship (a product), sort out (issues)
set aside, earmark, cover, lay out, figure in, allocate, pay out, spend, shell out, pony up, cough up, write (a check), buy, tally, total, pay up, autopay, pay down (debt), budget (for), disburse, fork out/over, balance (accounts), log (expenses), fill in (spreadsheet), calculate (costs), credit (a payment to one's account), bounce (a check), contest (a bill), monitor (charges on credit card), pull up (account/payment record), cut (a check), pay for, stop payment
raise, lay out, compensate, determine (bonuses), pay out, reward (with a bonus), reimburse, recompense, remunerate, spend, expend, dish out, shell out, fork over/out, pony up, ante up, cough up, give (a raise), deny (a raise), negotiate (a salary), withhold (taxes from a paycheck), send money, write (a check), deduct, grant (a raise), raise (a salary), disburse, pay (an employee)
pinch, recycle, bargain, scrounge, scavenge, stretch, haggle, budget, deprive, do without, manage, abstain, salvage, save, limit (one's spending), curb (spending), make do, pool, skimp, cut down/back, jew someone down, put aside, hold on, scale back/down, monitor (expenditures), grow (one's own vegetables), conserve, economize, depend on, borrow (tools), ration, know (the price of necessities), repurpose, stash (money/coupons), put away (money)
tighten, suffer, bear, age, budget, give up, juggle, endure, want, miss, crave, weigh (options), covet, yearn for, long for, wish for, envy, desire, resent, lose (hope), abandon (hope), hunger, hanker, sacrifice, surrender (to one's circumstances), grow bitter, tighten one's belt, tighten the purse strings, pine for, narrow (one's prospects), lower one's sights
weigh, bargain, beg, scavenge, haggle, resort to, welsh, welch, survive, bottom out, default, owe, depreciate, overdraw, bounce (a check), economize, depend on, get by/along, rack up (debt), squeak by, pawn, defer (payment), get by/aong, borrow (money), dip into, wrack up (debt), indebt, dumpster dive, land (on the street), overspend, declare bankruptcy, crowd out, hit rock bottom, leech
file, handle, launch, operate, analyze, employ, supervise, register, license, appraise, certify, standardize, upgrade, negotiate, organize, coordinate, survey, monitor, shadow, book, direct, schedule, promote, research, set up, collaborate, assess, evaluate, manage, field, hire, staff, create, update, enlist, improve, increase, recruit, purchase, report, edit, intern, advise, structure, execute, oversee, interview, regulate, estimate, formulate, implement, develop, recommend, delegate, demonstrate, designate, authorize, administer, systematize, facilitate, pool (resources), perform, exceed, achieve, allocate, solve, run (a campaign)
contract, position, install, stock, commercialize, assemble, establish, float, run, front, advertise, back, promote, set up, invent, risk, forfeit, locate, service, hire, purchase, incorporate, finance, fund, rate, own, rent, lease, acquire (equipment), owe, chip in, step up, found, loan, pay back/off, credit, sponsor, insure, invest, borrow, patent, co-create, localize, privatize, underwrite, write off, write down, mark down, option, centralize, start up, design (a logo/website)
gouge, screw, rig, chisel, fix, slip, lay out, cheat, swindle, rip off, diddle, bribe, gull, shaft, bilk, rook, hornswoggle, funnel (money), pay off, buy off, suborn, take, take advantage of, launder (money), bankroll, incentivize, shell out, pony up, ante up, cough up, front (money), ransom, fleece, defraud, take to the cleaners, take for a ride, grease someone's palm, make a deal, blackmail, fork over, put up, settle up, sting, stiff, pull a fast one on, put one over on
select, compare, pick out, scroll, browse, price, consider, shop, stroll (a commercial district), search for (an item), peruse (merchandise online), try on (clothes), put back, put on layaway, trawl, hold (an item), snap up (a sale item), sample, window shop, check out, clip (coupons), choose (a purchase), reject (a sale item), change one's mind, have a change of heart, have second thoughts about, decide, put on hold, put away (an item for consideration), backorder
appraise, draw up, review, schedule, assess, estimate, buy out, succeed, allot, evaluate (personnel), value (a business), buy in, purchase (shares of a company), time (one's retirement), pull out (of a business), stay on (as a consultant), gauge (leadership qualities in one's employees), fund (the buyout), advance (future profits), design (the corporate structure), delegate (new job responsibilities)
withdraw, recapitalize, liquidate, capitalize, replenish, invest, divest, fix (an interest rate), waive (fees), levy (fees), safe-keep, close (an escrow), open (an escrow), swap (derivatives), hoard (cash), charge (fees), put a hold on (funds), unload (derivatives), deduct (fees from an account), impound, divert (funds), tally (deposits), balance (books), consolidate (balance sheets), accumulate (capital), wire (money), collect (funds), exchange currency, quote, notarize (documents)
struggle, bust, contract, flounder, rise, strengthen, mature, stumble, shrink, emerge, grow, weaken, expand, take off, stagger, reel, fail, improve, develop, thrive, progress, skyrocket, tank, lag, decline, nosedive, recover, boom, teeter, heat up, burgeon, wither, evolve, turn around, transform, succumb (to)
unload, load, bundle, straddle, secure, order, bid, convert, roll over, advance, project, monitor, tip off, deal, yield, exchange, manage, maintain, purchase, sell, recapitalize, inflate, liquidate, acquire, leverage, consolidate, diversify, capitalize, transfer, finance, fund, bankroll, allot, transact, discount, compensate, invest, privatize, option, ask, buy (stocks), own (property/shares), trade, play (the market), day-trade, close a deal, open up, close out (an account), float (bonds), expand (revenue streams), broker, offset (risk), absorb (risk), divest, ladder, annuitize, spread (risk), bail out, put (option to sell), call (option to buy), hedge (investment), short, book the investor booked the investment as a loss., cash out, reinvest, refinance, barter
dislodge, stiffen, forge, solicit, lead, restrain, climb, fend off, represent, direct, mastermind, deflect, ward off, stave off, enlist, advise, succeed, outdo, outstrip, mobilize, rival, displace, found, distinguish (oneself), contest, rebuff, take on, fight for, surmount, rely on, swear in, summon, supersede, outrank, circumvent, count (among one's cohorts), drive (oneself), stake (a claim), establish (oneself), prove (capable), prove (oneself), arm, advance (an agenda), empower (aids), drive (others)
clobber, dislodge, oust, invade, commandeer, bribe, bluff, backstab, sabotage, scheme, put at risk, subvert, usurp, hijack, parry, take over, monopolize, take advantage of, conquer, step on, battle, corrupt, depose, overthrow, attempt to (oust), dredge up, mudsling, work up (fear/xenophobia), consort with, seize (power)
turn toward, brace, rise, gird, assemble, brave, solicit, rocket, train, strategize, face, funnel, risk, dare, formulate, gain, mobilize, skyrocket, discipline, step up, hone, envision, contest, determine, prepare, lobby, upstage, ready, soldier on, muster, strive, surmount, set off/about, count (among one's cohorts), apply one's skills, aspire, grasp (what one's constituency wants)
shunt, turn over, parcel out, direct, tax, staff, enlist, delegate, allocate, demand, brief, assign, dispense, apportion, entrust, accord, portion out, farm out, request, call for, distribute (tasks among others), charge (someone with a responsibility), specify (tasks), engage (others), secure (deputies), call together, put someone on a task
figure out, order, convene, protect, strategize, act as, call attention to, pen, direct, pass, funnel, assess, oversee, delegate, mobilize, govern, relegate, brief, found, decide, veto, network, head, channel, rule, police, lobby, legislate, assemble (a team), take charge, manage (a project), nominate, appoint, decode, summon, author, name (issues), appoint (deputies), field (requests), grant (interviews), chair, bridge (differences), speak to (issues), solve (problems), press for, orate, deploy, bring to the attention of, accord (power), assemble (stakeholders to solve problems), officiate, lead (progress meetings)
prize, applaud, plaster, tweet, reward, deify, attribute, gush, value, award, admire, credit, praise, honor, revere, commend, esteem, recognize, distinguish, venerate, commemorate, memorialize, pay tribute, congratulate, worship, respect, validate, treasure, acclaim, dedicate, set apart/above, put on a pedestal, extol the virtues of, name one's baby after, stick (a lawn sign), blog
model, benefit from, rocket, set apart, impress, finesse, vitalize, capitalize on, breathe new life into, dignify, stand out, deserve, peak, triumph, conscientize, father, win the support of, consort, stand up/for, stand strong (in the face of), refuse to (buckle), lower (standards), ride on the coattails of
seize, brush aside, compromise, dictate, strut, crow, trot out, dominate, evade, cover up, swagger, front, trick, bribe, sell out, bluff, exaggerate, polarize, scheme, rescind, vacillate, parry, take over, monopolize, escalate, dicker, pander, campaign, waffle, lobby, brag, drag one's feet, recant, dither, instigate, miscalculate, mudsling, misspend (public money), march off, bash (the press), throw mud, score points (with special interest groups), exploit (one's position), promise (more than one can deliver), smoothtalk, fire up, overpromise
tackle, fabricate, devise, brave, compromise, blaze, impress, front, originate, orchestrate, take over, succeed, revitalize, vitalize, serve, motivate, innovate, bring together, inspire, unite, trump, upstage, soldier on, win the respect of (constituents), speak out/up, eclipse (one's opponents), de-escalate (tensions), campaign (for a cause), show (compassion), fire up
squash, bust, crush, hover, suppress, dominate, overpower, corner, stalk, bear down, menace, threaten, block, hijack, impose, squelch, censor, forbid, coerce, berate, scare, blackmail, harass, terrorize, bully, provoke, frighten, loom, disconcert, interrogate, tail, torment, goad, antagonize, bark (orders), censure, harangue, blacklist, victimize, hector
broadcast, hold, plug, suppress, tweet, trumpet, hide, post, conceal, leak, distort, announce, spin, schedule, divulge, mislead, persuade, dissemble, deflect, sidestep, correct, report, argue, publicize, disseminate, tout, influence, reveal, disclose, explain, state, issue (a statement), defend (a position), advertise (one's accomplishments), make known, make public, put out (an announcement), spread (a rumor), time (the release of information), call (a press conference), issue (press release), prepare (a press release), draft (a press release), mold (public opinion), misinform
strangle, smother, manipulate, fire, boot out, replace, suppress, dictate, charge, hide, dominate, overpower, bear down, menace, threaten, conceal, cover up, paper over, plot, exploit, commandeer, tip off, outwit, scheme, conspire, pay off, hijack, intrude, co-opt, invalidate, pressure, suspend, filibuster, cross, cut off, forestall, throttle, stifle, obstruct, deprive, repress, sack, monopolize, coerce, mandate, stipulate, mete out, step on, break (a promise/trust), scuttle (a plan), intimidate, foist, tempt, blackmail, subordinate, pull rank, play off, bend (rules), decry, stonewall, eliminate, override, bastardize, shut out, lambaste, ram through
boost, supply, parcel out, assist, protect, dole out, reward, endow, award, back, recommend, designate, capitalize, fund, support, grant, allot, guarantee, incentivize, affiliate, found, loan, invest, bail out, contribute, donate, lend, apportion, benefit, bestow, champion, undertake, pledge, stand up for, sanction, validate, exact, accord, tithe, co-found, nominate, advocate, author, impart, stake (one's reputation on), bear (the cost), father, earmark (funds), cover the cost of, lend (one's name to), dedicate (time/money), bequeath (a portion of one's estate), devote (resources to)
force, crush, bar, dictate, trammel, subject, catch, dominate, overpower, curb, subdue, command, control, exploit, claim, scheme, impinge on/upon, censor, stifle, deprive, deny, ban, limit, take over, oppress, demand, subjugate, foist, compel, subordinate, harass, persecute, wear down, violate (civil rights), lock up/away, perpetrate, disarm, insist, beleaguer, mete out (punishment), decree, flatten (the opposition), block (information), plague (people with regulations), crack down on, restrict (freedom of movement/speech), thwart (internet communications), track (electronic communications), impose (restrictions), overturn (laws), undermine (efforts at self-determination), lord over
force, chain, round up, restrain, confine, trail, sabotage, tax, waylay, hinder, impede, obstruct, shut off/down, sequester, accost, blockade, quarantine, lock up, incarcerate, imprison, detain, shut in, lay siege, besiege, restrict (movement), block (voters via roadblocks), close off/down, enslave, fetter, hold captive, place (under house arrest), fence in/out, tariff
slam, charge, attack, libel, slander, defame, vilify, backstab, disparage, slur, insult, smear, malign, blame, allege, denigrate, reproach, inveigh against, denounce, lambaste, accuse, excoriate, fault, affront, mudsling, censure, defile, dig up, muckrake, foment, deprecate, calumniate, rake over the coals, sully (one's reputation)
brush aside, shrug, wave, degrade, tear down, mock, overlook, ignore, disregard, tease, cast off, gloss over, dare, invalidate, reject, spurn, demoralize, marginalize, chastise, condescend, discount, patronize, snub, turn on/against, decry, disparage, ridicule, insult, revile, smear, rebuff, repudiate, pronounce, trivialize, joke, demean, humiliate, ostracize, dismiss, pity, feel sorry for, look down on, discredit, put down, belittle, denigrate, deride, embolden, grin, smirk, scorn, sneer, snicker, snigger, taunt, infantilize, castigate, slight, scoff at, shun, snort at, amuse oneself (at someone's expense), laugh at, toss aside/out, refuse (to engage), jilt, disdain, treat with contempt, cold shoulder, parody, speak down to, knock down a rung (on the social ladder), savage
handle, settle, lubricate, devise, protect, scheme, accommodate, grant, donate, gift, bestow, introduce, ensure, exonerate, aid, transport, arrange (a deal), slip (information), clear the way, grease the skids, broker (a plan), ease (someone's way), exempt (someone from fulfilling a duty), secure (a position), hand out (a badge), hook up with, make something go away, buffalo
secure, protect, enclose, shepherd, hide, flank, conceal, cover, screen, guarantee, save, patronize, fortify, shield, forge (an alliance), strong-arm, guard, safeguard, shelter, hold off, escort, arm, keep out, offer (sanctuary/asylum), heighten (security), assign (a bodyguard), seal off, circle (a group with police), patrol, harbor, provide (sanctuary), fend off (marauders), spare, provide (new identity), sentinel
cast off/out, bar, replace, order, dismantle, suppress, infiltrate, restrain, overtake, curb, recall, foil, douse, direct, finesse, cancel, abort, restrict, filibuster, thwart, hinder, impede, deter, squelch, prohibit, prevent, impinge on/upon, censor, stifle, deprive, cripple, disable, reject, deny, ban, forbid, ward off, stave off, limit, repress, regulate, demand, prevail, mandate, scuttle (a plan), phase out, refuse, stonewall, overturn, veto, abolish, override, stunt, resist, rebuff, repel, isolate, police, outlaw, pardon, exclude, rule (illegal), force (out), push out/away, choke off (funding), subject (to regulation), render (impotent), defang
score, certify, manumit (slaves), authenticate, back, promote, orchestrate, intervene, authorize, facilitate, mandate, stipulate, steward, expedite, release, sponsor, enforce, levy, champion, reform, foster, allocate (funds), influence, garner (support), testify, usher in, bring to bear, ensure, enact, appoint, summon, exercise (influence), broker (a deal), smooth out (disagreements), tap into (one's base), settle (a dispute), assert (one's leverage), impel, assign (staff to work on an issue), dignify (a cause), pass (a resolution), preside over, call up/on
dump, bar, remove, blot out, obliterate, exploit, ditch, mastermind, rescind, prohibit, reject, ban, sack, monopolize, subjugate, wipe out, decline, refuse, stonewall, eliminate, abolish, rebuff, repudiate, persecute, trivialize, terminate, deny (rights), exclude, impose (restrictions), throw out, excommunicate, turn down/away, relegate (to obscurity), consign (to menial tasks), expunge (from the record), leave out, keep out, erase (select parts of history), expropriate, counteract (instincts)
force, yank, defenestrate, evict, expel, deport, boot out, scatter, order, unseat, overpower, orchestrate, rout, displace, marginalize, purge, line up, eliminate, cleanse, beat back, expunge, repel, segregate, ostracize, turn away, overthrow, punish, drive out, shear (of power/belongings), cast out, throw out, banish, resettle (refugees on less desirable land), strand, excommunicate
oust, topple, dismantle, knock down/over, compromise, unseat, sabotage, subvert, impair, undermine, ruin, doom, defeat, cripple, damage, conquer, displace, take down, undercut, overturn, lay waste, rebel, defy, depose, revolt, overthrow, bring down, rise up, remove (from office/power), strip of (power/resources), dethrone, mutiny
discern, discriminate, think for oneself, set oneself apart, think, practice what one preaches, practice (restraint), take the high road, follow (a moral path), practice (mindfulness), open one's heart, use one's mind, treat others well, work hard, expect (chaos/challenges), keep one's head up, show compassion, man up, disavow
chip away, assault, blindside, demolish, destroy, break, overrun, obliterate, scar, flood, drain, contaminate, sabotage, pay off, ransack, ruin, sap, suck out, spoil, eradicate, annihilate, snuff out, exterminate, impoverish, enervate, reduce to, blight, overdo, lambaste, infect, punish, inflict, lay siege, besiege, strip (a cathedral of its art and gold), deplete (stocks/supplies), bleed (dry)
stir, bait, threaten, arouse, intensify, bribe, tip off, convince, persuade, propagandize, lure, sway, escalate, argue, entice, tempt, pump up, provoke, inflame, insult, incense, rouse, aggravate, exacerbate, madden, needle, instigate, affront, arm, foment, anger, incite, pit against, promise, pay (mercenaries), push (one's buttons), rile (up), enrage, infuriate, whip (into a frenzy), twist (one's words)