separate, figure out, take off, extricate oneself, remove oneself, move out, step up, prove, choose, dispense with, rely on oneself, pay for oneself, think for oneself, stand up for oneself, stand apart, fight for, make decisions (for oneself), put distance between, distinguish oneself, insist on, differentiate, set oneself apart, self-regulate, free oneself, determine one's own direction, show one's mettle, declare (independence), assert one's independence, set out (on one's own), liberate oneself, break free/away, drop (pretensions), buck (a trend), move away, stand alone
figure out, analyze, gauge, weigh, plumb, test, compare, conceive, scan, imagine, define, reflect, scrutinize, examine, size up, read, discern, vet, peruse, contrast, explore, experiment, research, brainstorm, sort out, mull over, assess, deliberate, consider, contemplate, evaluate, ponder, figure in, calculate, estimate, forecast, rank, inquire, favor, categorize, cull, parse, sift, envision, distinguish, determine, look over, prefer, search, google, differentiate, meet with (an advisor), enroll, pore over, debunk, look for
devise, earmark, pursue, aim, design, plan, designate, propose, aspire to, set out to, take steps to, intend to, mean to, set out (to/for), have in mind, think of, expect, resolve to, determine to, declare one's intention, set an intention, seek to, set (a goal), want to, set one's sights on, commit, stay (the course)
protest, object, sigh, whimper, whine, tattle, criticize, quibble, complain, carp, grumble, pout, mope, brood, mutter, grouse, gripe, beef, bellyache, huff, disparage, puff, inveigh against, bemoan, bewail, wail, moan, snivel, sulk, mumble, scowl, frown, groan, grouch, bitch, air (a complaint), demur, kvetch, nag, nitpick, make a fuss
lie, duck, fabricate, evade, fib, fudge, whitewash, contrive, deflect, deny, defend oneself, dance around, excuse oneself, parry, dodge, smooth over, shirk, avoid (responsibility), counter, downplay, make excuses, fish, fault (someone else), spin (a tale), pin (blame on someone else), feign (sickness), dodge (blame), skirt (the issue), rescind (an earlier statement), protect (oneself), backpedal, minimize (the concerns of others), justify (one's behavior), qualify (an earlier statement), attribute (mistakes to factors beyond one's control), rationalize, backtrack, recant, beat around the bush
trim, tweak, drive, boost, fine-tune, reformulate, organize, strategize, outline, update, formulate, fund, consult, prioritize, check off, map, crank up, forward, set out to, dispatch, shape (vision/mission statement), mark (progress), shift (priorities), close in on (strategy), plan (next steps), chart (a five year plan), generate (funding), kill one's darlings, reorganize
tweak, launch, cooperate, fine-tune, analyze, reformulate, appraise, advance, modify, polish, coordinate, scrutinize, adjust, market, expand, evaluate, dodge, rethink, hire, scale up, parlay, go public, restructure, fund, escalate, jockey, amend, supplement, perfect, modernize, fortify, empower, lobby, take stock, raise standards, project (into the future), hone (craft/methods), professionalize, farm out, build (a following/a web presence), enlist (help/expertise), recruit (interns), outwit (competitors), re-evaluate, technologize, open (online venue/store), strengthen (business plan/team), secure (angel investors)
beg, bear, forage, scrounge, scavenge, finagle, resort to, resign, screw up, forfeit, do without, carry on, endure, manage, tolerate, abide, put up with, make do, skimp, depend on, rack up (debt), squeak by, dumpster dive, lack, miss, sacrifice, check out, line up, scrape by, eke out, forego, get by, knock around, hang out, owe (money), struggle with, rely on, hitchhike, wrestle with, ration out, fuck around, get along
chuck, stoop, slouch, slump, shrug, slacken, skip, submit, surrender, weaken, cut short, abdicate, quit, plummet, fall, opt out, yield, come to terms with, give up, accede, resign oneself, hit bottom, bail out, abandon (hope), mope, brood, capitulate, lose ground, acquiesce, isolate oneself, forgo, cede, drop out, sink into (depression), lose hope, stop trying/working, accept (defeat), sever (contact), throw in the towel, default (on one's payments), raise (a white flag), hang (one's head), drown, fall off (in one's duties), let go (of one's dreams), step down/away, slide into depression, give away
cut, slink, retreat, elude, evade, shy away, recede, vanish, disappear, flee, dodge, withdraw, shut down, avoid, leave, rupture, escape, sulk, turn away, isolate oneself, get drunk, get out of, insulate oneself (from the challenges of life), drop out, cut oneself off, run away, turn back, break away, turn to (drugs), back away/down, pull back/out, skip out, drop out of, quit (one's job), talk one's way out of, put in two weeks' notice, sleep, lock oneself in (a room), keep to oneself
slack off, hide, slough off, elude, evade, neglect, welsh, welch, abdicate, bail, fail to, parry, dodge, shirk, avoid, fritter away, shrink from, misuse, malinger, goof off, back down, get out of, fall off (in his duties), duck out of, cop out of, cut (class), drag (one's feet), play hooky, wriggle out of, pass up (an opportunity), give up on, back out of
probe, check, identify, focus, ramp up, plug away, buck up, expedite, turbocharge, buckle down, intensify (one's efforts), bring to bear, push forward, press on, move forward, devise (a plan), hone (one's skills), soldier on, redouble, double-check, take something in a different direction, refocus, man up, move toward, press forward
inject, drive, hunker down, brace, tackle, gird, brave, rally, fight, plow through, plow on, infuse, face, focus, convince, persuade, risk, dare, demand, resolve, undertake, stand up for, rustle up, determine, prove, buckle down, forge ahead, shed (doubts), set one's mind to, plunge into, hold firm, hold out for, assert, muster, generate (momentum), strive, remind oneself/others, stand (one's ground), dedicate oneself, strengthen (the team), summon (strength), drive oneself, grit one's teeth
bear, plow on, hold up, thwart, plug away, carry on, endure, persevere, tolerate, parry, swallow one's pride, withstand, sacrifice, resist, push through, forge ahead, push forward, press on, soldier on, grit (one's teeth), stick (to something), weather, sustain one's efforts, dedicate, confront (obstacles), intensify (one's work), redouble (one's efforts), outlast (naysayers), devote one's efforts to, carry through, come through, slog through (tasks), manage (challenges), ward off (doubts/opponents), push on
carry, steer, secure, protect, show, focus, act, hazard, shoulder, demonstrate, optimize, own, weigh (options), merit, exhibit, express, drive oneself, come through, carry through/out, answer to, ensure, bear (responsibility), prove (worthy), find (solutions), earn (trust), take on/up, clear up (misunderstandings), lay out (a vision), display (maturity), accept (responsibility), assume (responsibility for), impose (standards), impress upon, distinguish oneself (as a leader), dignify (a role), advocate for, invest in, honor (agreements), keep one's word, follow up/through
score, wallop, impact, finish, flush, soar, advance, manifest, shine, illumine, flourish, impress, climax, buck the odds, rout, astound, overcome, perform, exceed, achieve, thrive, succeed, better, excel, outshine, surpass, outperform, conquer, prevail, prosper, attain, effect, defy, accomplish, conclude, exalt, tip the balance, best, outclass, liberate, grin, complete, distinguish oneself, gain (recognition), earn (respect of colleagues), peak, reach (one's potential), fulfill (one's dream), top (the charts), win (an award/recognition), prove oneself, influence (one's field), tower, triumph, ascend, actualize, realize (goals/dreams), cross (a threshold), bring to completion, surmount, summit, land (a fellowship)
crack, wind up, split, break down, fade, collapse, spin out of control, plummet, disintegrate, backfire, deteriorate, screw up, fizzle, fail, waste, hit bottom, tank, bottom out, decline, teeter, erode, hang one's head, regret, end up, wear someone down, resign oneself (to fate), lose (work/hope), ruin (relationships), rack with
turn toward, stir, drool, imagine, speculate, lionize, seek, admire, contemplate, glorify, crave, yearn for, long for, wish for, desire, daydream, envision, visualize, idolize, idealize, romanticize, itch, ache for, pray for, dream, hope, aspire to, picture, salivate, wonder, dare to, muse, make a wish, glamorize
tap into, harness, imitate, adapt, form, rehearse, risk, dare, center oneself, clear one's head, innovate, meditate, visualize, channel, piggyback, emulate, carve out, dig oneself out, buckle down, block out (distractions), play to one's strength, expand (vocabulary/skill set), generate (a to do list/spreadsheet), discipline oneself, formulate (a plan to build new skills), reinvent oneself, modify (one's expectations), develop (one's capacity to handle new tasks), orient, forge ahead, tap into (resources), motivate oneself, run (lines), apply oneself
force, drive, sign, mold, resource, organize, advance, finesse, plug away, purchase, execute, implement, administer, join forces, capitalize, incorporate, fund, address, jockey, consult, expedite, found, patent, broker, lobby, pool resources, copyright, coordinate (work done by a team), activate (website), co-sign, launch (website), intensify (one's efforts), undertake (specific tasks by specific dates), press on/forward, proceed, co-found, take charge, attack (the work), bring to bear, manage (a project), push forward
drill, apply, model, devise, assemble, strategize, wait, join, diagram, plot, rehearse, direct, scheme, concoct, plan, delay, practice, enlist, formulate, mobilize, capitalize, invest, prognosticate, enable, schmooze, network, activate, frequent, carve out (a niche), clear (one's calendar), prove (one's creditworthiness/competence), build contacts, build (a team/support), channel (resources), ready, settle on (a business plan), synchronize (a launch), specify (the role of each team member), solidify (funding sources), foresee, develop (strategy), draw up (a business plan)
stock, mount, pile up, exceed, earn, surpass, acquire, own, invest, pad (one's portfolio/pocketbook), write off (deductions), reach, heap, gain (interest), add, deduct (from income tax), accrue, amass (wealth), increase (net worth), compound, consolidate (investments), fill (the coffers), rack up, save, attain, possess, aggrandize, accumulate, trade (on the stock market), inherit, buy, rake it in, accumulate (wealth)
water, grow, produce, yield, fertilize, install (irrigation), irrigate, plant, seed, harvest, turn over (soil), rotate (crops), plant (a cover crop), spray (with pesticides), modify (seed), engineer (high-yielding varieties of grain), cultivate, spread (seed), douse (crop with pesticide), store (corn in a silo), thresh, bale (hay), reap, pick
pollute, contaminate, endanger, deplete (soil of nutrients), unbalance the ecosystem, kill (bees), poison (soil/water table), damage (biodiversity), use up (soil nutrients), exhaust (soil), drain (nutrients), deteriorate (human living conditions), deflate (prices), emit (greenhouse gases), run off (chemical fertilizers), expose (to carcinogens)
negotiate, back out, welsh, welch, bankrupt, default, liquidate, declare (bankruptcy), go out of business, overextend, overbuy, wipe out (savings), make an assignment, renege, fail to pay, harm (one's credit rating), indulge (spending pattern), go belly up, absolve (someone of debt), restructure (one's debts), reorganize (one's financial affairs)
mangle, trudge, skip, slough off, overlook, ignore, sputter, delay, screw up, dodge, lag, shirk, err, knock off (early), skirt, play around, give up (too quickly), pop by/over (to a neighbor's cubicle), avoid, leave, dally, scribble, defend (oneself), postpone, misplace, dawdle, procrastinate, daydream, fuck up
score, beat, pick up, position, fine-tune, analyze, tackle, cycle, measure, turn out, model, appraise, calibrate, route, benefit from, leap, rocket, project, grow, beta-test, explode, expand, hold up, evaluate, figure in, correct, increase, report, estimate, perform, exceed, earn, thrive, scale up, sell, spike, take over, hit (a peak), gain, tip (the balance), turn a profit, prove (profitable), buy out, move out, outgrow, succeed, level out, better, offset, excel, regain, reduce (waste), outdo, outshine, outstrip, surpass, predict, progress, outlast, outperform, revitalize, vitalize, mobilize, skyrocket, recapitalize, inflate, profit, make (a profit)
score, hit, clobber, impact, blindside, fold, drop, falter, analyze, cycle, measure, appraise, calibrate, route, benefit from, totter, ail, slip, recall, project, reduce, peter out, waver, close, weaken, equalize, abandon, burden, pressure, derail, impair, undermine, plummet, tumble, fall, flatline, fail, evaluate, withstand, figure in, report, estimate, move out, level out, offset, predict, outlast, lose, sack, cut back, cut (loss), lay off, break even, hold out, hit bottom, tank, slow, lapse, shut down, shutter, bankrupt, bottom out, signify, foreclose, downgrade, saddle (with debt), default, relapse, absorb (loss), repossess, liquidate, sell (assets)
contract, pitch, launch, operate, replicate, engineer, build, standardize, commercialize, saturate, negotiate, strategize, grow, beta-test, burst, coordinate, expand, risk, venture, hire, implement, develop, scale up, take over, excel, unveil, roll out (a new product), merge, mass produce, create (a corporation), join forces, cinch (the deal), rework, rival, compete, vie for (a market), acquire, corner (the market), monopolize, relocate, monetize, penetrate, leverage, consolidate, diversify, capitalize, incorporate, initiate, parlay, split (stock), effectuate
manipulate, cooperate, employ, pollute, negotiate, dictate, dominate, strategize, capture, haggle, control, exploit, claim, pillage, despoil, impose, accommodate, take over, buy out, rival, compete, corner (the market), monopolize, take advantage of, use up (resources), join (forces), abuse, conquer, pervade, displace, oppress, mistreat, demand, translate, underpay, subjugate, marginalize, wipe out, coerce, stake, hog, import, export, launder (money)
contract, pitch, launch, cooperate, operate, employ, retool, replicate, engineer, build, supply, model, standardize, roll out, saturate, negotiate, protect, strategize, adapt, coordinate, scope out, haggle, demarcate, direct, market, expand, explore, research, control, collaborate, risk, deal, venture, defeat, field, accommodate, regulate, implement, develop, delegate, perform, take over, excel, recapitalize, profit, unveil, mass produce, rival, compete, acquire, corner (the market), relocate, monetize, penetrate, leverage, consolidate, diversify, capitalize, incorporate, initiate, join (forces), demand, translate, stake, import, export, launder (money), wield, vie for, exempt, outsource, conduct, master, govern, forecast, transfer, benchmark, prevail, globalize, establish (territory), utilize, restructure, assimilate, contextualize, retrench, finance, fund, subsidize, grubstake, bankroll, win
pack, launch, operate, fine-tune, power, outfit, manufacture, fabricate, generate, tool, retool, inspect, engineer, feed, stock, package, build, supply, turn out, order, parcel out, model, debut, tailor, register, license, resource, warehouse, research and develop, certify, standardize, calibrate, overhaul, synchronize, commercialize, finish, assemble, upgrade, track, label, adjust, produce, comply, estimate, implement, mass produce, make, ratchet (up/down), furnish, restock, replenish, re-order, specify, escalate, inventory, ship, backorder
generate, charge, stream, value, collect, produce, rake in, pocket, earn, gain, lose, monetize, leverage, bill, bring in, take home, gross, receive, make money, draw down, pull down, haul in, secure (an income/a job), capitalize on, cash in on, subsist on, maintain (clientele/web presence), apply for (jobs), interview for (jobs), hold down (a job), sustain, set (a fee scale), fix (rate/price), maximize (income), cash (one's paycheck), deposit (one's paycheck), bring home, make (a bundle)
file, count, figure, book, collect, adjust, cheat, claim, withhold, tax, assess, calculate, estimate, allocate, absorb (loss), exempt, allot, deduct, write off, gross, add, depreciate, amortize, pay, retain (one's earnings), incur, extend (deadline), record (profit), audit (taxes), levy, check off, refund, expense, consolidate (expenses)
unload, load, bundle, straddle, secure, order, bid, convert, roll over, advance, project, monitor, tip off, deal, yield, exchange, manage, maintain, purchase, sell, recapitalize, inflate, liquidate, acquire, leverage, consolidate, diversify, capitalize, transfer, finance, fund, bankroll, allot, transact, discount, compensate, invest, privatize, option, ask, buy (stocks), own (property/shares), trade, play (the market), day-trade, close a deal, open up, close out (an account), float (bonds), expand (revenue streams), broker, offset (risk), absorb (risk), divest, ladder, annuitize, spread (risk), bail out, put (option to sell), call (option to buy), hedge (investment), short, book the investor booked the investment as a loss., cash out, reinvest, refinance, barter
gauge, measure, appraise, log, track, figure, check, value, budget, evaluate, calculate, estimate, rank, write up, chart, deduct, add, monitor (one's investments), sum up, index, number, tally, record (on ledger sheet), compute, compile, enumerate, account for, balance (checkbook), round up (figures), total, keep (records/books), round out (figures on a balance sheet), round off (figures on a balance sheet)
secure, lower, adopt, execute, default, guarantee, borrow, amortize, indemnify, incur (debt), undertake (to pay back a loan), mortgage, sign (loan documents), cosign, take on (debt), resolve, pay up, pay back/down, make a payment, qualify for (a loan), submit (forms), provide (down payment), pay (loan payments), repay, autopay, fill out (loan papers), enhance (credit rating), notarize
sign, advance, front, value, collect, figure in, service, foreclose, finance, fund, bankroll, issue, loan, underwrite, write off, accrue, lend, turn down (applicant for loan), approve (a loan), charge (interest), evaluate (credit-worthiness of the borrower), enforce, assign, document, lien (property), fix (an interest rate), waive (fees), robosign, levy (fees), compound (interest), amortize, file (claims/lawsuits)
handle, fire, boot out, inspect, supervise, appraise, train, reward, run up the flagpole, monitor, size up, direct, schedule, promote, evaluate, manage, field, hire, staff, oversee, interview, regulate, delegate, facilitate, sack, benchmark, review (performance), discipline, rank, mandate, demote, approve, notify (an employee of a potential promotion), relegate, pension off, coordinate (employee duties), mentor, designate (tasks for a subordinate), cater to a strength, superintend, empower, follow through
operate, fine-tune, order, resource, standardize, synchronize, draw up, upgrade, negotiate, organize, earmark, hammer out, direct, budget, synch, command, control, funnel, finesse, orchestrate, intervene, sift through, verify, figure in, update, structure, formulate, authorize, allocate, stake, run (an office), close (a deal), chart, rate, determine (pay rates), bank, brief, purge, downsize, allot, steward, contract out, consult, expedite, summarize, codify, prioritize, sign off, transact, integrate, calendar
yank, wrangle, sever, chuck, brush aside, manipulate, dismantle, protest, dictate, skip, drone, dole out, fight, bark, evade, bear down, typecast, profile, blot out, flare, flood, haggle, plot, exploit, bribe, claim, whitewash, contrive, co-opt, invalidate, pressure, hold back/down, thwart, inundate, squelch, prohibit, obstruct, inhibit, undermine, erupt, screw up, swamp, bumble, shout, maintain, relegate, micromanage, confront, harp, judge, mete out, lord (it over one's workers), grant, save face, lag, write up, smooth over, dance around (issues), cut off/short, snap back, step on, play off (one worker against another), break (a promise/trust), scuttle (a plan), sanction (low standards), argue, favor, cover up/for, jockey, battle, dicker, issue (orders), rehash, dispute, corrupt, chastise, cater to, berate, admonish, abdicate (responsibility), condescend, intimidate, disempower, write off, rail against
supervise, appraise, overhaul, scan, screen, mark, witness, scrutinize, examine, monitor, observe, check, vet, direct, prohibit, evaluate, manage, maintain, report, authorize, keep an eye on, keep score (with subordinates), rein in, pay a visit, detect (organizational problems), address, stipulate, critique, micromanage, criticize, inquire, require (updates), noodge, stoke, excite, encourage, support, confront, follow through
hammer, impact, pitch, ply, plug, cast, tap into, reinforce, convert, woo, trot out, show, switch, badger, bait, prompt, imply, evoke, capture, arouse, transmit, project, profile, lionize, imbue, highlight, showcase, embellish, tease, flaunt, steep, set apart, captivate, rivet, distort, depict, spin, con, claim, mislead, hustle, persuade, insinuate, scheme, target, gamble, impinge on/upon, censor, create, favor, brief, serve, rope in, wow, lead (the market), foist, reel in, entice, hype, shill, rebate, tempt, win over, scare, pop (out), hail, draw in, enthuse, cajole, compel, sweeten, discount, appeal, harvest (customers), assure, pander, retarget, optimize, sexualize, guarantee, motivate, propagate, glorify, entertain, mesmerize, incentivize, spread the message
yank, pitch, launch, debut, synchronize, roll out, saturate, tweet, reproduce, post, proliferate, transmit, display, distribute, permeate, monitor, book, feature, announce, advertise, associate, promote, market, risk, inundate, implement, sell, leverage, benchmark, optimize, propagate, unveil (a new product), release, flood (the market), list, text, tack up (posters), phase out, issue, peddle, publicize, submit (ad), campaign, retarget (customers with a second ad), reference, qualify (one's leads), circulate, innovate, syndicate, disseminate, re-circulate, affiliate
engineer, brand, strategize, scout, coordinate, scope out, front, research, brainstorm, target, opt out, diversify, forecast, phase out, bend (one's campaign to lure customers), troll, opt in, track (hits), spy (on customers), phase in, massage (content), streamline, interpret (customers' tastes), generate (buzz), invigorate
concentrate, extricate, handle, shut up, cooperate, compromise, bear, submit, censor, inhibit, opt out, stand down, step back, accept, cope, play to a strength, carry on, endure, tolerate, field, comply, tread lightly, conform, defer, self-censor, abide, let go, resign oneself, manage to, cater to, sign off, circulate, hold down (a job), avoid, flirt, drop (a complaint), ingratiate, go along, sign on, come around, schmooze, excuse, rephrase, soften one's tone, defend, partake, relent, behave, ally (oneself), stifle (an impulse), socialize, focus on, apologize, capitulate, step down, step into, step aside, make way for
manipulate, tense, bother, bargain, solicit, strut, ruffle, mock, trot out, bark, badger, pester, show up, imply, ignore, embellish, swagger, show off, plot, deceive, betray, tattle, divulge, eavesdrop, hijack, delay, fluster, undermine, disrespect, forbid, dance around, table, abuse, mistreat, favor, jockey, condescend, intimidate, patronize, require, quibble, avoid, call into question, huff, shame, pull rank, fine, snub, turn on/against, play off, wag a finger, gloat, bend (rules), enlist (others in backbiting), decry, cover for, gossip, bicker, harass, refuse, rankle, squabble, stonewall, backbite, disparage, stigmatize, ridicule, womanize, philander, slur, hit on, flirt, swear, discriminate against, stab in the back
file, gauge, model, calibrate, grade, organize, brand, name, type, profile, label, pigeonhole, define, mark, pick out, classify, authenticate, redefine, designate, downgrade, merge, consolidate, specify, rank, rate, codify, reference, enumerate, assign, cite, stick (a label on something), map, term, rename, archive, title, catalog, characterize, sub-classify, subordinate, categorize, appoint
file, separate, break down, standardize, log, grade, organize, tag, scan, type, define, highlight, sheaf, mark, identify, collect, classify, formalize, record, come up with, comb through, merge, consolidate, specify, rank, judge, list, reference, streamline, centralize, index, number, map, archive, title, categorize, sort, hone, flag, cull, parse, back up, pick out/apart, stratify, itemize, alphabetize, sift
trundle, punch in/out, tack, fine-tune, lock, unlock, register, draw up, dictate, call, post, type, coordinate, schedule, purchase, edit, prioritize, list, bill, assign, categorize, back up, book (appointments), field (problems), stock (supplies), hunt down, slit (envelopes), revise, enter (data), write, rewrite, phone, telephone, order (supplies), bustle about, transcribe, procure, answer (phone/email), ship (a product), sort out (issues)
set aside, earmark, cover, lay out, figure in, allocate, pay out, spend, shell out, pony up, cough up, write (a check), buy, tally, total, pay up, autopay, pay down (debt), budget (for), disburse, fork out/over, balance (accounts), log (expenses), fill in (spreadsheet), calculate (costs), credit (a payment to one's account), bounce (a check), contest (a bill), monitor (charges on credit card), pull up (account/payment record), cut (a check), pay for, stop payment
raise, lay out, compensate, determine (bonuses), pay out, reward (with a bonus), reimburse, recompense, remunerate, spend, expend, dish out, shell out, fork over/out, pony up, ante up, cough up, give (a raise), deny (a raise), negotiate (a salary), withhold (taxes from a paycheck), send money, write (a check), deduct, grant (a raise), raise (a salary), disburse, pay (an employee)
pinch, recycle, bargain, scrounge, scavenge, stretch, haggle, budget, deprive, do without, manage, abstain, salvage, save, limit (one's spending), curb (spending), make do, pool, skimp, cut down/back, jew someone down, put aside, hold on, scale back/down, monitor (expenditures), grow (one's own vegetables), conserve, economize, depend on, borrow (tools), ration, know (the price of necessities), repurpose, stash (money/coupons), put away (money)
tighten, suffer, bear, age, budget, give up, juggle, endure, want, miss, crave, weigh (options), covet, yearn for, long for, wish for, envy, desire, resent, lose (hope), abandon (hope), hunger, hanker, sacrifice, surrender (to one's circumstances), grow bitter, tighten one's belt, tighten the purse strings, pine for, narrow (one's prospects), lower one's sights
weigh, bargain, beg, scavenge, haggle, resort to, welsh, welch, survive, bottom out, default, owe, depreciate, overdraw, bounce (a check), economize, depend on, get by/along, rack up (debt), squeak by, pawn, defer (payment), get by/aong, borrow (money), dip into, wrack up (debt), indebt, dumpster dive, land (on the street), overspend, declare bankruptcy, crowd out, hit rock bottom, leech
file, handle, launch, operate, analyze, employ, supervise, register, license, appraise, certify, standardize, upgrade, negotiate, organize, coordinate, survey, monitor, shadow, book, direct, schedule, promote, research, set up, collaborate, assess, evaluate, manage, field, hire, staff, create, update, enlist, improve, increase, recruit, purchase, report, edit, intern, advise, structure, execute, oversee, interview, regulate, estimate, formulate, implement, develop, recommend, delegate, demonstrate, designate, authorize, administer, systematize, facilitate, pool (resources), perform, exceed, achieve, allocate, solve, run (a campaign)
contract, position, install, stock, commercialize, assemble, establish, float, run, front, advertise, back, promote, set up, invent, risk, forfeit, locate, service, hire, purchase, incorporate, finance, fund, rate, own, rent, lease, acquire (equipment), owe, chip in, step up, found, loan, pay back/off, credit, sponsor, insure, invest, borrow, patent, co-create, localize, privatize, underwrite, write off, write down, mark down, option, centralize, start up, design (a logo/website)
gouge, screw, rig, chisel, fix, slip, lay out, cheat, swindle, rip off, diddle, bribe, gull, shaft, bilk, rook, hornswoggle, funnel (money), pay off, buy off, suborn, take, take advantage of, launder (money), bankroll, incentivize, shell out, pony up, ante up, cough up, front (money), ransom, fleece, defraud, take to the cleaners, take for a ride, grease someone's palm, make a deal, blackmail, fork over, put up, settle up, sting, stiff, pull a fast one on, put one over on
select, compare, pick out, scroll, browse, price, consider, shop, stroll (a commercial district), search for (an item), peruse (merchandise online), try on (clothes), put back, put on layaway, trawl, hold (an item), snap up (a sale item), sample, window shop, check out, clip (coupons), choose (a purchase), reject (a sale item), change one's mind, have a change of heart, have second thoughts about, decide, put on hold, put away (an item for consideration), backorder
appraise, draw up, review, schedule, assess, estimate, buy out, succeed, allot, evaluate (personnel), value (a business), buy in, purchase (shares of a company), time (one's retirement), pull out (of a business), stay on (as a consultant), gauge (leadership qualities in one's employees), fund (the buyout), advance (future profits), design (the corporate structure), delegate (new job responsibilities)
withdraw, recapitalize, liquidate, capitalize, replenish, invest, divest, fix (an interest rate), waive (fees), levy (fees), safe-keep, close (an escrow), open (an escrow), swap (derivatives), hoard (cash), charge (fees), put a hold on (funds), unload (derivatives), deduct (fees from an account), impound, divert (funds), tally (deposits), balance (books), consolidate (balance sheets), accumulate (capital), wire (money), collect (funds), exchange currency, quote, notarize (documents)
struggle, bust, contract, flounder, rise, strengthen, mature, stumble, shrink, emerge, grow, weaken, expand, take off, stagger, reel, fail, improve, develop, thrive, progress, skyrocket, tank, lag, decline, nosedive, recover, boom, teeter, heat up, burgeon, wither, evolve, turn around, transform, succumb (to)
handle, shift, cooperate, gauge, gird, reformulate, shape, contain, bargain, compromise, adopt, adapt, modify, coordinate, engage, experiment, communicate, divulge, inhibit, vacillate, forfeit, redefine, accept, manage, excuse oneself, conform, sublimate, self-censor, accommodate, abide, put up with, reconcile, discipline, rein in, jockey, cultivate, sacrifice, apologize, capitulate, assuage, oblige, appease, modulate, conciliate, placate, ameliorate, come to appreciate, mollify, take on, muster, gear up, posture, reinvent, treat as (a learning experience), allow for (differences), circumvent, invest in (a person), embrace (differences), excuse (quirks)
handle, cooperate, tackle, contain, compromise, bear, adopt, modify, coordinate, explore, experiment, communicate, accept, persevere, self-censor, accommodate, join forces, chip in, cultivate, soften one's tone, relent, apologize, assuage, amend, shore up, praise, recognize, acknowledge, empathize, trust, compliment, talk over, discipline oneself, muster, discuss, circumvent, build trust, lean, conduct oneself, embark on, modulate (one's tone), satisfy (a request), sympathize, keep (agreements)
grate, bother, repeat, ride, badger, pester, trigger, chivvy, chivy, chevvy, distract, pique, vex, finish someone off, frustrate, persist, noodge, harp, carp, rankle, tick off, gall, aggravate, exasperate, nitpick, bug, insist, irritate, annoy, plague, needle, hassle, rile up, bedevil, rile, perturb, nettle, get on someone's nerves, frost, get to, drive mad/crazy, piss off, po, drive up the wall, drive to distraction, get someone's goat, push someone's buttons, peeve, try someone's patience, drive bananas, irk, rub the wrong way, tee off, get in someone's hair, miff, get under one's skin, ruffle someone's feathers, drive mad
clap, drum, broadcast, applaud, twirl, sweep, flush, cavort, dance, sing, chant, whirl, laugh, whistle, chortle, caper, frolic, swish, blaze, gambol, blush, glitter, join, ring, animate, pulse, jump into, shout, smile, perform, entertain, invigorate, invite, honor, commemorate, play (instruments), rejoice, delight, mingle, bow, amuse, cheer, rave, romp, toast, rollick, regale, belt (a song), slap on the back, mix (drinks), cry out (a greeting), welcome, party, revel, hymn, throw a party
wrestle, tussle, struggle, beat, wallop, clash, rise, finish, strut, crow, prance, race, overpower, fight, challenge, root, puff up, swagger, show off, pique, oppose, combat, play to a strength, exceed, better, outdo, outshine, outstrip, surpass, outperform, lose, rival, compete, argue, jockey, battle, boast, play off, pump up, contest, stand one's ground, counterpose, measure up, overshadow, outclass, upstage, brag, plume, swell, grandstand, win, vie, outrank, contend
belie, betray, discourage, upset, frustrate, screw up, fail, underperform, sting, dampen, sadden, dishearten, dismay, disillusion, alienate, disappoint, dissatisfy, displease, test (one's assumptions), let down (a person), bring down, break (trust), offend, chagrin, shatter (one's illusions), pain, anguish, dash (one's hopes), set back, underachieve, overpromise, underchallenge (oneself)
handle, direct, command, orchestrate, impose, oppose, manage, advise, oversee, regulate, recommend, stipulate, admonish, foist, require, disapprove, warn, caution, instruct, turn someone away from, inflict, turn up one's nose at, disagree, object to, take issue with, remove (options/privileges), take away (someone's keys), counsel, give advice, control (someone's finances), run the show, call the shots, lead (someone in a direction), run (someone's affairs), gaslight
beg, submit, give in, surrender, yield, give up, apologize, capitulate, plead, throw in the towel, implore, supplicate, entreat, concede defeat, knuckle under, ingratiate oneself, subordinate oneself, subject oneself to, put oneself through, put oneself down, expose oneself to, lower the bar, curry favor
show, emblazon, decorate, coordinate, orchestrate, facilitate, entertain, host, greet (guests), welcome (guests), co-host, send out (invitations), array (refreshments), reserve (tables in a restaurant), organize (an event), set out (food), offer (drinks to guests), call (guests together for a toast), funnel (guests into a room), pay (caterer/musicians)
cling, grip, clasp, hug, embrace, hang, wave, nod, turn toward, tackle, cry, tear up, beam, smile, address, call out, receive, greet, acknowledge, salute, usher in, toast, slap on the back, welcome, shake hands, blow a kiss, kiss, wiggle (one's fingers), lift (someone into the air), say hi, lead (into a house), tip one's hat, lock (eyes), pat on the back, draw someone out, bump chests, wave (one's arms)
prize, deify, admire, glorify, revere, esteem, venerate, idolize, idealize, worship, respect, dignify, look up to, emulate, adore, treasure, cherish, relish, devote oneself to, fantasize about, romanticize, exalt, elevate (above others), indulge in, hold in high regard, hold in high esteem, think highly of, valorize
applaud, plug, mimic, echo, imitate, fawn over, lionize, showcase, embellish, embroider, gush, award, celebrate, exaggerate, flatter, inflate, hype, glorify, credit, blow up, hail as, praise, honor, commend, laud, exalt, valorize, compliment, eulogize, kvell (with pleasure), model oneself after, extol, salute, acclaim, defer to, consecrate, sing (someone's praises), adulate, overstate (someone's qualities), kneel before (religious), bow down (religious), genuflect (religious), credit someone (with exceptional deeds), puff, simper
bother, maneuver, follow, trail, stalk, hound, watch, shadow, exploit, impose, interrupt, harass, encroach, expose oneself, spy on, walk up to, insinuate oneself into, worm one's way into, intrude on, insert oneself, muscle in on, meddle in, foist oneself on, introduce oneself into, track down, creep up on, go after, impinge on, position oneself, horn in on, poke one's nose into, vie (for attention)
grab, tussle, hug, shove, embrace, reach out, point, smoke, devise, gather, congregate, nudge, conjure up, kindle, bond, spill, take in, dub, divulge, let go, draw in, open up, dally, dawdle, flirt, schmooze, partake, socialize, befriend, extend, network, hail as, empathize, fantasize, mingle, loiter, usher in, let loose, disclose, drink, chill, knock around, hang out, meet, dream up, nickname, bandy, kill time, slap on the back, welcome, embark on, make up handshakes, squeeze (a friend's biceps), gape at (girls), point out, share (a glass of wine), pass time, pal around, muck around, stop in/by, amuse oneself, bridge (awkwardness), kick-start, go out (for ice cream), commiserate, do drugs, horse around
galvanize, scurry, troop, chase, throng, race, nudge, arouse, spark, burst, ignite, venture, dash, hurry, rush, tear around, initiate, jump-start, bustle, stir up, work up, rouse, brew, ready, plunge into, instigate, kick-start, gallivant, traipse, cut through, let loose/go, spice up, whip up, horse around
team up, cooperate, steady, strengthen, bear, shepherd, tend, care for, reward, listen, center, calm, warm up, value, back, animate, divulge, collaborate, restore, improve, vitalize, cultivate, appreciate, assuage, augment, enrich, deepen, praise, care, trust, share, reciprocate, uncover, confide, buoy, root for, allay (fears), express (concern), keep (a secret/a promise), stick up for, lend an ear
hug, boost, handle, embrace, hold, tackle, feed, strengthen, bear, shepherd, nourish, nurture, soothe, suggest, prop up, field, mentor, stoke, encourage, support, cater to, steward, assure, enable, offer, propose, bolster, buttress, shore up, tend to, empathize, hearten, take on, muster, advocate for, pay for, reassure, minister to, take care of, draw out, stick up for, stick by, lift up, share (a burden), assume the role of, console, voice one's appreciation, boost someone's morale, raise (someone's spirits), lift (someone's spirits)
certify, promote, recommend, approve, support, guarantee, sponsor, champion, back up, swear, defend, endorse, stand up for, confirm, corroborate, sanction, validate, testify to, assert, stick up for, vouch for, exculpate, stand behind, refer, ally oneself with, side with, take up the cudgels for, affirm, okay, go to bat for, uphold (someone's reputation), throw one's weight behind, give credence to, kvell (with pride), back (someone)
sever, rip, break off, blindside, separate, cast off/out, rock, drop, split, sear, shatter, break free, slough off, bolt, rend, attack, buckle, burst, flare, explode, fragment, betray, divide, rescind, abandon, derail, cut off, doom, plummet, disintegrate, crumble, break up, reel, reject, spurn, fizzle, fail, botch, refuse, rankle, stab in the back, sour, erode, leave behind, alienate, despise, ostracize, tear apart, divorce, exile, fracture, splinter, pull back/away, disinherit, part (ways), spin out, cancel (a wedding), detonate, cut ties with (one's family), cuckold
skip, submit, surrender, adjust, abandon, abdicate, yield, forfeit, do without, accommodate, swallow one's pride, resign oneself, resent, sacrifice, relent, capitulate, help, regret, cave in, give up/in, bite one's tongue, forgo, dispense with, take on, waive, cede, pass up, miss out on, acclimate, see something through, vow, commit to, bail someone out, relinquish
assault, stab, sicken, curse, slur, swear, insult, humiliate, disgust, nauseate, turn off, outrage, wound, antagonize, rub the wrong way, offend, gross out, tread on someone's toes, affront, hurt someone's feelings, add insult to injury, spit daggers, rub salt in a wound, blaspheme, cuss, ruffle someone's feathers
jolt, worry, stun, startle, scramble, distract, cloud, hoodwink, mislead, fool, vex, confuse, confound, stupefy, nonplus, disorient, bewitch, overwhelm, disturb, stump, puzzle, jumble, discombobulate, shock, flummox, astound, unnerve, flabbergast, daze, faze, floor, alarm, destabilize, scare, alert, distress, unsettle, disconcert, discomfit, perturb, jangle, throw someone off balance, test (someone's assumptions), discompose, subject to
jar, gnaw, jolt, bother, rattle, agitate, startle, blot out, pique, muddle, baffle, vex, trouble, trip up, disturb, boggle, astonish, dumbfound, unnerve, upset, rankle, jostle, inflame, horrify, alienate, appall, gall, aggravate, exasperate, disconcert, discomfit, mortify, irritate, drive to distraction, get someone's goat, peeve, try someone's patience, rub the wrong way, miff, jangle, make someone's blood boil, evoke (a strong reaction), get someone's dander up, ruffle someone's feathers, make someone's hackles rise, discomfort
separate, adapt, modify, alter, jettison, adjust, cancel, abandon, redirect, decipher, defer, rethink, correct, improve, rework, revise, postpone, amend, arrange, reshuffle, rearrange, let go (of a plan), solve (a dilemma), cast aside (a plan), invent (a back-up), tweak (one's plan), switch (tactics), step back (to get an overview), regroup, split up, temper (one's enthusiasm), reorganize
grope, wind up, roam, slip, mistake, overlook, neglect, guess, obscure, crisscross, drift, deviate, screw up, reel, misjudge, come to a halt, err, exhaust, end up, backtrack, wander, miscalculate, meander, strand, miss (a fork in the trail), sheer off course, fumble with (a map/compass), ramble, tromp, take a wrong turn
Search > Finding, Recognizing or Revealing Something > How People, Ideas or Things Reveal Themselves
concede, surface, submit, surrender, emerge, appear, materialize, manifest, arise, crop up, yield, relent, capitulate, bare, step forward, reveal, disclose, throw in the towel, permit, come out, come out (of hiding), give oneself up, turn oneself in, raise one's arms in surrender, rise (to the surface), come to the surface, come to light, spring up, shed (a disguise)
turn in one's hand, certify, test, show, spot, detect, identify, authenticate, verify, justify, check out, back up, recognize, distinguish, prove, corroborate, validate, testify to, double-check, attest, pick out (a suspect in a line-up), call by its name, prove accurate, bear out, establish the truth of, check the authenticity of
part, scoot, probe, pad, scale, wade, troop, amble, slither, hunt, root, tread, clamber, scramble, scamper, track, trail, pursue, scout, spot, seek, investigate, read, trace, circle, explore, snoop, progress, hike, troll, romp, muck around/about, make one's way, plot (a course), trek, backpack, tramp, pick one's way (through the thicket), scan (for landmarks), grope around/through, slice across (terrain), swing at, duck under, wind through (terrain), journey, cover (miles), navigate (with a compass), slop (through puddles), avoid (poison plants)
hollow out, excavate, unearth, bore, scoop out, tunnel, disinter, burrow, mine, quarry, extract, push up, dig, rig, cut, descend, climb, pan, expose, sift, partner, ascend, bring to light, dredge up, ferret out, spelunk (in a cave), cave, gouge out, rappel, strap on (a headlight), buckle (a safety harness), test (equipment/air), memorize (navigational points), lock and hold, maintain (equipment), wrap (a rope), abseil, secure (tools/lights)
devise, organize, establish, settle on, suggest, imagine, coordinate, schedule, disperse, commandeer, orchestrate, rule out, mull over, deliberate, consider, evaluate, calculate, enlist, recruit, advise, formulate, predict, forecast, resolve, propose, fill out (forms), arrange, prepare, assemble (a team), extrapolate, check out (the terrain), deem (workable), weigh (risks and benefits), rehearse (scenarios), practice (a rescue), generate (funds/goals), plan (a search), procure (supplies), attend to (details), fill in (holes in one's strategy), determine (the scope of the search), size up (a situation)
spread out, inspect, scout, converge, divide, hazard, venture, assess, initiate, leave, depart, undertake, fan out, dispatch, deploy, embark, set out/off, cast one's fate to the winds, send out/ahead, heed (warnings), assemble (at a designated point), survey (the land), gather (supplies/personnel), split up (to search), assume (positions), commence
snatch, excavate, alight, snap up, forage, hunt, scrounge, scavenge, rout around, root, ferret, comb, piece together, loot, spirit away, ransack, dumpster dive, trawl, sift, hunt down, shuffle, treasure, pick up (an item), search through, scour, look through, come across/upon, turn up/over, scrape together, dig through, rifle through, sort through, rummage, pick through (trash)
tap, question, hunt, track, stake out, pursue, monitor, investigate, shadow, collect, authenticate, explore, eavesdrop, pay off, verify, decipher, untangle, disentangle, substantiate, interview, keep an eye on, inquire, sample, determine, petition, confirm, corroborate, validate, ascertain, search, decrypt, bug, interrogate, tail, request, unravel, sort through, crack (a code), find out, follow (a lead), seek (information), appeal to
ax, scrap, drop, skip, scrub, ditch, desert, hold up, break (plans/treaties), cancel, break off (an engagement), nix, retract, revoke, rescind, welsh, welch, cut short, abort, abandon, call off, abdicate, quit, resign, nullify, void, invalidate, annul, flake, stand someone up, chicken out, back out/down, bail, bail on, disappoint, fuck up
extract, tap, chisel, milk, filter, cheat, trick, dupe, double-deal, fleece (tourists by overcharging), pad (an account), make off with, rake in, con, use false pretenses, defraud someone of, swindle, profit by, funnel, launder, siphon off, exploit, commandeer, falsify, embezzle, appropriate, misappropriate, violate, manipulate (numbers), cook the books, skim off the top, rip off, help oneself to, pocket, screw (over), line one's pockets, diddle, bribe, commit (fraud), gull, shaft, bilk, rook, receive kickbacks
frame, stun, muddy, cloud, deceive, trick, dupe, scam, double-cross, hoodwink, con, shaft, delude, seduce, beguile, baffle, polarize, divide, backstab, fool, mess with, vex, confuse, cozen, confound, stupefy, befuddle, bamboozle, hornswoggle, sucker, gyp, bewilder, stagger, mystify, nonplus, sabotage, disorient, lose (trust), exact (revenge)
lie, fabricate, pretend, belie, embellish, blur, spin, con, falsify, fib, fudge, bluff, twist the truth, hyperbolize, exaggerate, manufacture (an alibi), feign, fake, pad (figures), bend the truth, claim, make up, invent, concoct (a story), libel, slander, peddle (lies/half-truths), defame, misrepresent, tell a white lie, withhold (information), pull the wool over one's eyes
divert, manipulate, play with, maneuver, fabricate, devise, suppress, hide, secrete, evade, conceal, camouflage, simulate, pretend, belie, impersonate, veil, mask, cover up, shroud, disguise, pose, blind, shade, distract, front, spin, trick, double-deal, fudge, bluff, twist the truth, feign, fake, concoct (a story), misrepresent, gloss over, mislead, sham, hustle, jive, bull, warp, pique, obfuscate, twist (information), finesse, muddle, delude, obscure (information), cover over/up, outwit, convince, persuade, whitewash, outfox, masquerade as, flatter, seduce, beguile, distort (facts), insinuate, disseminate (misinformation), propagandize, oversimplify, vilify, equivocate, prevaricate, palter, counterfeit, dissimulate, hoax, machinate, neglect to (inform), exclude (information), omit (information), keep quiet, withhold, fail to (disclose), zip one's lips, keep something to oneself, refuse to disclose, keep secret, dissemble, refrain from, swear to secrecy, gatecrash
complicate, rattle, stun, scramble, imply, obscure, riddle, blur, blind, muddy, distract, cloud, hoodwink, fake, mislead, obfuscate, muddle, baffle, fool, vex, confuse, confound, stupefy, befuddle, bamboozle, bewilder, mystify, nonplus, disorient, blunt (someone's judgment/perception), addle, stump, hide (evidence), fog, miscue, perplex, puzzle, boggle, jumble, misconstrue, discombobulate, contradict oneself, fluster, throw off-kilter
blindside, flatten, crush, strip, topple, demolish, wreck, destroy, paralyze, overpower, trap, beat down, drain, ravage, overwhelm, derail, ruin, hurt someone's image, sap, doom, suck out, spoil, tear someone apart, wreak havoc, break someone's will, finish someone off, defeat, cripple, disable, deplete, devastate, overcome, disrespect, go into shock, throw for a loop
jolt, stun, startle, surprise, trick, baffle, stupefy, befuddle, bamboozle, bewilder, stagger, mystify, nonplus, disorient, overwhelm, stump, perplex, discombobulate, shock, take by surprise, astonish, dumbfound, flummox, astound, unnerve, flabbergast, daze, faze, floor, amaze, alarm, upset, catch off guard, ambush, test (one's assumption), undermine, throw for a loop, throw off-kilter
strike, divert, expel, rock, topple, dismantle, unseat, black out, foil, disperse, resort to, sabotage, tamper, cancel, revoke, abort, call off, hamper, restrict, filibuster, waylay, halt, stop, tip over, trip up, thwart, undo, disturb, impose, hinder, impede, derail, interrupt, intercept, delay, deter, throw off course, redirect, deflect, inundate
squash, cramp, constrain, strangle, press, crush, load, worry, complicate, restrain, saddle, strain, curb, put at risk, burden, bog down, tie up/down, hamper, flood with (duties), mire, clog, pressure, encumber, entangle, restrict, suspend, inconvenience, hold back/down, weigh down, overload, tax, overwhelm, stress, trouble, throttle
yank, choke, dislodge, bar, suppress, interfere, hitch, overpower, curb, rend, foil, eclipse, check, block, resort to, sabotage, hijack, intrude, pressure, thwart, hinder, impede, derail, intercept, inundate, cross, cut off, squelch, impair, prohibit, prevent, forestall, alert (authorities), impinge on/upon, dissuade, throttle, censor, stifle, control (someone's actions), obstruct, deprive, intervene, inhibit, countermand, meddle, butt in, barge in, interject
maneuver, rig, devise, fix, strategize, bait, set (a trap), set someone up, plot, scam, con, bribe, draw up (a plan), hatch (an idea), scheme, conspire, connive, orchestrate, contrive, target, arrange (a scheme), concoct, engineer (a scheme), cook up (a scheme), plan, entrap, pay off, buy off, suborn
duck, pry, hide, slink, crawl, hunt, skulk, lurk, prowl, stake out, stalk, scout, investigate, spy, shadow, sneak, snoop, lie (low/in wait), creep around, tap (a telephone), search out, nose around, poke around, tiptoe, rummage around, sidle, eavesdrop, overhear, dig around, gatecrash, sneak in
jar, cramp, crush, crimp, bar, challenge, unleash, bear down, threaten, explode, ignite, polarize, subvert, undermine, spin out of control, erupt, refuse to, fly off the handle, twist (someone's meaning), pin (blame), demoralize, violate (standards of conduct), ban, forbid, oppose, combat, lose perspective, lose (the confidence of others), blow something out of proportion
blindside, manipulate, rig, devise, fix, compromise, threaten, speculate, expose, finagle, resort to, bribe, bluff, hustle, counterfeit, concoct, endanger, risk, put at risk, gamble, imperil, hazard, chance, bet, jeopardize, tamper, forge (papers), deal, fence, dare, play off/with, buck the odds, venture, wager, attempt, subvert, flout, ambuscade
blindside, wreck, destroy, paralyze, scuttle, resort to, endanger, ruin, doom, spoil, wreak havoc, frustrate, dash (plans/hopes), mess up, stymie, incapacitate, cast a pall, screw up, damage, swamp, snarl up, make difficult, destabilize, put the kibosh on, break up, curtail, bust something up, overreact, fuck up
nick, swipe, pinch, roll, rake, lift, skim, trash, siphon, snap up, steal, carjack, make off with, funnel, commandeer, appropriate, violate, rip off, thieve, case, filch, nab, poach, fence (stolen goods), rob, loot, mug, slip away/off, run off with (stolen goods), hold up, raid, rout, strip (of possessions), pillage, ravage, pocket (stolen merchandise), pirate, abscond, shoplift, usurp, rifle, spirit away, hijack, skyjack, plunder, ransack, pilfer, pickpocket, purloin, despoil, demand (money), commit larceny, gank, hold up (at gunpoint), run contraband
analyze, weigh, appraise, sense, listen, examine, observe, check, discern, focus, review, sort out, think through/about, sift through, piece together (a coherent story), rule out, mull over, turn something over in one's mind, assess, locate, fact-check, verify, redefine, intuit, decipher, deliberate, separate (fact from fiction), step back, consider, contemplate, evaluate, explore (accounts), ponder, play out, chew on/over, reflect on, take stock of
embrace, compose oneself, swallow, adapt, surrender, deal, abandon, redirect, breathe, take a deep breath, manage (one's emotions), center oneself, quiet oneself, reframe, resign oneself to, accept, work with, relinquish (control), reconcile oneself to, come to terms with, identify (one's feelings), practice, make the best of, give up, exchange, step aside/outside, clear one's head, calm (oneself/others), recover one's composure, pull oneself together, get a grip
struggle, grapple, handle, hunker down, bear, face, hold up, come to terms with, cope, deal with, wing it, hold out/on, do without, pull together/through, plug away, play to a strength, muddle through, contend with, juggle, carry on, endure, settle for/down, persevere, persist, manage, live through, tolerate, shake oneself out of, retrieve, seek (answers/help), come to grips with, ration out (resources), rein in (spending), encounter (opposition), lean on, pay out/off, extricate (oneself from a drama)
brush aside, turn away/aside, contain, hide, slink, curb, evade, block, disappear, bluff, finesse, keep quiet, step back, avert (one's eyes), lower (one's eyes), skirt (a topic), excuse oneself, divert (attention), deflect (attention), blunt (one's affect), avoid (attracting anger), ward off, parry, field, hold back, hold in (one's urge to retort), accede, comply, stand down/back, tread lightly, sit still, conform, sidestep, table, defer, dodge, modulate (one's voice), sublimate, self-censor, accommodate, restrain oneself, protect oneself (in a shroud of silence), submit to, stave off
retreat, disappear, decompress, quiet oneself, excuse oneself, bow out, slink back, back up/off, untangle, disentangle, unknot, extricate oneself, remove oneself, disengage, unsnarl, control (one's level of engagement), simmer down, cool down, chill (out), take a chill pill, hang loose, stay loose, untwist, sequester, remain silent, withdraw, detach
clench, clip, strangle, suffocate, bind, suppress, tether, trap, swaddle, buckle, cinch, tie up/down, restrict, weigh down, censor, stifle, inhibit, sublimate, gag, pin down, shut up/in, hold down, hold in/back/down, silence, limit, abstain, trammel (as though trapped in a net), repress, swallow (an expletive), swallow one's tongue, bite (the bullet), smother (an impulse to fight back), open and close one's mouth
figure out, mold, fix, rescue, strategize, guess, modify, alter, anticipate, redo, piece together, invent, finesse, persuade, concoct, juggle, puzzle out, work out, get to the bottom of, come up with, put (heads together), hit upon (a solution), turn (something around), turn to, think something through, rethink, figure in, debate, reason, salvage, correct, extemporize, justify, hatch (a plan), substantiate, predict (outcomes), foresee (potential consequences), calculate, shape (a plan), straighten out, comb through
handle, stand, suffer, strain, shoulder, accept, carry on, endure, live through, tolerate, restrain oneself, abide, hold one's tongue, hold out/up/on, smile, grin and bear, buck up, refuse to (give up), exercise (restraint), soldier, take, grin and bear it, suck it up, swallow one's pride, let go, resign oneself, rise (to the occasion), put up with, prove (one's mettle), withstand, survive, manage to, carry on/out, fortify oneself (for the long haul), stomach, reconcile, swallow (a bitter pill), wait (for something to pass), man up, exercise restraint